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Recovery Month: Data Webinar on September 22nd, 2022

Posted by on September 20th, 2022 Posted in: announcements, events
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Recovery Month is organized by Faces & Voices of Recovery and celebrates the gains made by those in recovery from substance use and mental health, just as we celebrate improvements made by individuals who are recovering from other health issues such as hypertension, diabetes, asthma, and heart disease. ‘Recovery Month works to promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the emergence of a strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of service providers and community members across the nation who make recovery in all its forms possible.’

NNLM has several webinars and resources being offered for Recovery Month, including a webinar from NCDS:

Analyzing Health on the Local Level: Accessing State and Regional Substance Use Data
Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022
Time: 2:00 to 3:30 PM ET
Registration page: https://nnlm.gov/training/class/analyzing-health-local-level-accessing-state-and-regional-substance-use-data

For more information about the rest of the NNLM offerings for Recovery Month, see the full  ‘September is Recovery Month’ blog post from Kathy Downing at the NNLM Public Health Coordinating Office. Visit the NNLM Training Calendar for information on upcoming NNLM classes related to Substance Use Disorder.


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