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The New ‘Check PHDL’ button

Posted by on December 20th, 2019 Posted in: Blog

We’ve talked about changes affecting how you will find PHDL articles in PubMed.  To continue allowing users to find PHDL articles in PubMed we are implementing what’s called link resolver tool.

What will be different?

  • Every citation in PubMed’s Abstract format will have this CHECK PHDL button. Every citation.


PHDL LinkOut Button


What happens when I click on the Check FullText PHDL button?

    • If the article is part of the PHDL, the article will appear in full-text
    • If the article is not part of the PHDL, you’ll have options to find a version of the article…
        •   as an open access or other freely available  version of the article you are looking for
        •   or order the article from your Partner Library where you’ll be directed to instructions and options for ordering the article

How will this change take place?

The CHECK FullText PHDL button will appear in the link to PubMed on the PHDL page. You’ll see the URL will look similar to https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?otool=nphcophdl. If you do not enter PubMed through that URL you will not see the PHDL button.

You will also be able to set this in MyNCBI with the NCBI Site Preferences Link; you’ll select us from the list of libraries in  PubMed’s Outside Tool.

When Is All This Happening?

If our configuration and testing go as planned we plan on implementing this change on January 17th.

  • We’ll send an updated PubMed URL to the remote file from which most departments receive the PHDL titles list.
  • Departments not getting updates from the remote feed will be contacted individually so that the change can be made to your PHDL page on your end.

How will this make the PHDL better for me?

  • It will expand the reach of the PHDL by linking to full text articles that are available in Open Access publications or Open Access; you’ll be able to easily find freely available versions of an article
  • You’ll be able to see customized information for  your Partner Library  You’ll see more tailored instructions on setting up and ordering articles.
  • When requesting an article that is not available through the PHDL, the citation information will automatically display in the request form or email…you won’t have to type out or cut and paste your citation information.
  • Later versions of the PHDL will:
    •    originate from the tool’s content management system
    •    integrate with Google Scholar to find full-text in GS
    •    expand search functionality with a new Discovery layer

How Can I Learn About These Changes and What To Do?

  • We are scheduling a series of  one-time classes to walk through these changes (and the new PubMed) for the following two weeks after the change.  Watch the NPHCO Calendar for those classes labeled “Outside Tool Configuration Instruction”.
  • We’ll make available a help guide to walk users through the new process and also set up their MyNCBI with their Site Preferences.
  • We’ll take your calls and answer your questions to us at phdl@umassmed.edu.


These changes coincide with the new version of PubMed, also rolling out early 2020.

There’s more details in this NLM Technical Bulletin on Library LinkOut Using Outside Tool.


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NNLM Public Health Coordination Office University of Massachusetts Medical School 55 Lake Avenue North Worcester, MA 01655 (508) 856-7633
This has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

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