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Region 5 Blog July 2nd, 2024
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NNLM and PLA partner for health with a pre-conference session at PLA 2018, stipend available

Posted by on October 30th, 2017 Posted in: Health Literacy, News from NNLM, Public Libraries, Training & Education

The National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) and the Public Library Association (PLA) are partnering to bring health and wellness to the library. This new nationwide initiative will assess the health information needs of public libraries and provide opportunities for public library staff to increase their knowledge and confidence regarding consumer health services and programming.

One such professional development opportunity is a 1 day pre-conference at PLA 2018. Stand Up for Health: Health & Wellness Services for Your Community is Tuesday March 20, 2018 from 9:00am – 5:00pm.

PLA is offering a limited number of stipends worth $500 to cover registration and some travel costs for this pre-conference session. This opportunity is open to librarians, including library support staff and paraprofessionals at libraries in the U.S. and U.S. territories.

Also, those who take the class and complete some pre/post work will receive a certificate for level 1 of the Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS) through the Medical Library Association (MLA) at no cost, sponsored by NNLM.

Applications for the pre-conference stipends are now being accepted with the deadline of November 19. Read the stipend opportunity guidelines, read the Frequently Asked Questions and start your online application.

Want to learn more about the Consumer Health Information Specialization and its benefits? Attend a free webinar this Wednesday, November 1 from 11:00am – Noon PT. Register to attend, Putting the Consumer Health Information Specialization to Work in Public Libraries. Unable to make it? The session will be recorded and available a few days later.

Image of the author ABOUT Carolyn Martin
Carolyn Martin is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for the NNLM Region 5. She works with various libraries and community organizations to increase health literacy in their communities.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

NNLM and NETWORK OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE are service marks of the US Department of Health and Human Services | Copyright | HHS Vulnerability Disclosure | Download PDF Reader