Posted by liaison on August 30th, 2017
Posted in: #Health Sciences List
In support of federal efforts to assist victims of Hurricane Harvey, AHRQ has reissued a pair of resources to help public health officials and clinicians ensure that patients receive medical services under challenging circumstances. The Surge Toolkit and Facility Checklist provides practical tools for opening shuttered hospitals when an emergency is underway and additional facilities are needed for treating patients. In addition, AHRQ has reissued Hospital Evacuation Decision Guide, a resource to help officials confirm when it’s necessary to evacuate a medical facility regardless of its usefulness in providing patient care. These resources are available on a new AHRQ Web page devoted to these tools and others. Access a new blog post by AHRQ Director Gopal Khanna, M.B.A., to learn more about AHRQ’s recovery resources. For more details about federal recovery activities, access the HHS website. /da