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Save the dates: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Nine Conversations that Matter to Health Sciences Librarians with Jessica Pettitt

Posted by on May 29th, 2019 Posted in: #CC/Academic List, #Health Interest List, #Health Sciences List, #Public/K-12 List, All Members

An AAHSL/MLA/NNLM webinar collaboration

Are you confused about all the topics under the umbrella of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?

Are you overwhelmed by all things swirling around in our world today?

Are you ready to have less frustrating conversations?

Conversations that Matter includes both internal and external dialogues about our similarities and our differences. Each webinar will showcase examples across various subordinated and marginalized inter-sectional identities as well as give us all time to reflect, organize, and do our own work in claiming responsibility for our privileges and full lived experiences

Save the DATES!

June 19 : Diversity & Social Justice: A Starting Place: Register here!  https://nnlm.gov/classes/diversity-equity-and-inclusion-nine-conversations-matter-health-sciences-librarians-jessica

If you don’t have a NLM/NNLM account, don’t worry, just create one, it’s free!

Unlike other online diversity trainings, this course introduces the concepts that you can utilize in your own life immediately. Regardless of each your identities and lived experiences, the concept of how we coexist, interact, and impact one another is imperative to build better teams, better connections, and deeper relationships.

Spend an hour, reflecting on how you fit into the conversation of diversity. Coming to terms with our own unique positive and negative bias as well as how that intersects with our responsibility of perception and sense of entitlement to validation is the foundation of social justice work. Our experiences, choices, and impact, both intentional and unintentional, matter. This is the starting place.

See attachment for more information about future webinars in our series

August 21 : Unconscious Bias: Perceptions of Self & Others

October 16 : Being a Better Ally to All

November 13 : Working Across Difference: Making Better Connections

January 22, 2020 : That’s Not Funny! Or is it?

March 18, 2020 : Knowing what you don’t know: Medical Micro-aggressions

May 13, 2020 : I am … Safe Zones: Sticks and Stones LGBTQA 101

July 15, 2020 : I am … Safe Zone: Gender This!

August 12, 2020 : I am … Safe Zone: Messages I Learned

Save the TIME: 12 pm EST, 11 am CST. 10 am MST, 9 am PST

All Webinars will be broadcast at the above time. Each webinar is 60 minutes.

Registration Fee? Absolutely NOT! but register early as each webinar is limited to 1,000 participants.

All expenses for the webinar series are being underwritten by the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL), Medical Library Association (MLA), and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM).

The NNLM PNR is hosting the series via WebEx and providing close captioning.

MLA is providing CE accreditation.

Recordings of each webinar will be available on the NNLM Training site and on mlanet.org.

Please visit the NNLM training site for a list of current and previously hosted classes: https://nnlm.gov/training/past-classes

CE? Of Course!

One hour of MLA CE credit is available for each webinar! There is NO fee for CE credit.

If you are not able to participate, do not worry. A video of each webinar will be available on the NNLM Training site and MLANET and available for your viewing. MLA CE credit also will be available up to 1 year from the live webinar.


Jessica Pettitt, M.Ed., CSP,
pulls together her stand up comedy years with 15+ years of diversity trainings in a wide range of organizations to serve groups to move from abstract fears to actionable habits that lead teams to want to work together. With a sense of belonging and understanding, colleagues take more risks with their ideation, conserve precious resources through collaboration, and maintain real connections with clients over time.

It is through Jessica’s work in Student Affairs, as a college administrator, in South Carolina, Oregon, New York, and Arizona, that she realized her love for the conversations across difference. As a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer in Bulgaria, Social Justice Training Institute Alumna, and a Certified Speaking Professional, Jessica has taken the typical diversity talks to the next level of social justice conversations examining privilege, oppression, entitlement, and our collective responsibility to make change while connecting difficult topics with employee retention, crisis management, and increasing innovation and profits.

Jessica blends politics, humor, identity, and local flair with big city passion and energy through direct, individualized, and interactive conversations. Her workshops, seminars, and keynotes don’t just leave participants invigorated but inspired and motivated to follow through with action to create change. Having traveled and lived in a variety of communities and environments all over the world, while also engaging with education as student, teacher, administrator, and active community member, Jessica uses her take on life to lead participants through a safe but confrontational process of examination, self reflection, and open dialog that is as challenging as it is rewarding.

With her attention now turning to larger associations and corporate leadership, Jessica is pulling from the past 15 years of direct experience to lead teams to try instead of avoiding a stretch. It is in this trying that clients uncover a deeper sense of belonging, resourceful collaboration opportunities, and reignite their creativity and innovative ideation. Learning, feeling, and being Good Enough Now allows for teams to do the best they can with what they have and persist long into the future no matter the crisis, topic, or challenge.



Contact us at:
Network of the National Library of Medicine/NNLM Region 4
University of Utah
Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library
10 North 1900 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-5890
Phone: 801-587-3650
This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012344 with the University of Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library.

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