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Region 4 News February 23rd, 2025
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Identifying and Combating Health Misinformation Webinar

Posted by on March 9th, 2021 Posted in: #CC/Academic List, #Health Interest List, #Health Sciences List, #Public/K-12 List, All Members

Addressing Health Misinformation at the Scale of the Internet

The world now has more internet users than people with access to essential health services such as primary care, dental care, or surgery. Exacerbated through the COVID-19 pandemic, populations around the world experience limited availability of in-person health providers or services for certain health conditions, and as a result, the internet plays a crucial role in mediating access to health through access to information. However, the consequences of online health information have never been more pertinent.

In this session, we will focus on the unique role that health practitioners, experts and library systems can play in responding to related challenges. We will review existing interventions that social media platforms are deploying to try to address health misinformation at global, internet scales, the strengths and limitations of these approaches, and how physicians of the future can contribute to a healthier online information ecosystem. Further, as the shape of health misinformation on social media platforms evolves situationally across geography, demographics, and subject matter, public health expertise must be better integrated into the design of content moderation interventions on these platforms. For public health experts to make informed and achievable recommendations, however, they must be familiar with the affordances of social media platforms that enable or limit interventions to mitigate the spread and impact of health misinformation.

Class Date and Time

Monday, March 22, 2021

10 AM PT/ 11 AM MT/ 12 PM CT/ 1 PM ET





Contact us at:
Network of the National Library of Medicine/NNLM Region 4
University of Utah
Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library
10 North 1900 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-5890
Phone: 801-587-3650
This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012344 with the University of Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library.

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