Posted by liaison on June 6th, 2018
Posted in: #CC/Academic List, #Health Sciences List
If you missed the online forum “Introduction to Software Carpentry for Librarians” with speakers Cam Macdonell and Clara Llebot Lorente on 5/24/2018 the recording is now available: https://youtu.be/Gi6Ic3IaAYw.
Slides and other documents such as the chat transcript are viewable in this Google Docs folder: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DfJK8vi6ch0GjQj3zyfdNYoTLUcuGpcT.
Sponsored by ACRL ULS Technology in University Libraries, they would appreciate your feedback http://bit.ly/tuls-eval-carpentry.
Carpentries folks ask for feedback here: