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Region 4 News November 12th, 2024
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New England Science Boot Camp for Librarians – Registration Open

Posted in: #CC/Academic List, #Health Sciences List, Webinars and Training

2017 New England Science Boot Camp for Librarians
June 14-16, 2017
University of Massachusetts Amherst

This year’s topics are: Geosciences, Mathematics & Statistics, Biomedical Research. For each of the focus topics covered, Science Boot Campers will be able to:

  • Explain the structure of the field and its foundational ideas
  • Understand and be able to use terminologies for the field
  • Identify the big questions that this field is exploring
  • Discuss new directions for research in this field
  • Discuss what questions research in this field is addressing
  • Understand how research is conducted, what instrumentation is used, and how data is captured
  • Identify how researchers share information within their fields beyond publications
  • Share insights into what current research in the field is discovering and implications of these discoveries
  • Share insights into how researchers in specific fields collaborate with librarian subject specialists now and how they might collaborate in the future.
  • Identify new ways that librarians can support their research communities

Full Registration: $275 (Includes 2 nights lodging, all meals & breaks,3 days instruction)

For more information and to register: http://guides.library.umass.edu/BootCamp2017

**Looking for professional development funding? Up to $1,500 is available for librarians from NNLM MidContinental Region. For more info, visit: https://nnlm.gov/mcr/funding/professional-development-funding





Contact us at:
Network of the National Library of Medicine/NNLM Region 4
University of Utah
Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library
10 North 1900 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-5890
Phone: 801-587-3650
This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012344 with the University of Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library.

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