Posted by ssawyer on October 30th, 2019
Posted in: #CC/Academic List, #Health Interest List, #Health Sciences List, #Public/K-12 List, All Members
NNLM Resource Picks – The New PubMed:
This is the talk of the town. Explore the new PubMed, currently available at PubMed Labs for testing. It will be the default PubMed system in early 2020. Be ready for the questions that you know will come your way regarding this change. In this webinar you will preview the new, modern PubMed with its updated features including advanced search tools, saving citations to a Clipboard, options for sharing results, and the new “Cite” button. You’ll also learn about the reasons for the change and how this new improved Pub Med will make mobile searching easier. November 20, 2019 1PM MT/2PM CT Register
From Problem to Prevention: Evidence-Based Public Health:
Curious about evidence-based public health (EBPH) but not sure where to start? This session will provide a basic introduction to the concept of evidence-based public health. Attendees will be introduced to the three domains of influence and Brownson et al.’s seven-step evidence-based public health process. November 5, 2019 12:00 MT/1:00 CT Register
PubMed® for Librarians – November Sessions:
PubMed for Librarians: Introduction – November 8, 2019 9:00 MT/10:00 CT Register
PubMed for Librarians: Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) – November 15, 2019 9:00 MT/10:00 CT Register
PubMed for Librarians: Automatic Term Mapping – November 22, 2019 9:00 MT/10:00 CT Register
Consumer Health Information Justice: Identifying and addressing information-related factors that contribute to health disparities
In this webinar, we’ll discuss many of the different types of information-related factors that can diminish an individual’s capability to live a long and healthy life, such as an inability to recognize and articulate one’s information needs; unawareness of and/or insufficient access to sources of relevant, comprehensible, and credible health information; limited health literacy (including inadequate digital health literacy skills); an inability to act on information; etc. November 15, 2019 – 2:00 MT/3:00 CT Register