On April 14, David Brown, Public Health Engagement Specialist for the Network of the National Library of Medicine Region 4, visited the Wyoming State Library. He met with State Librarian Jamie Markus and the Library Development Office (LDO) team and listened to LDO’s thoughts and ideas. Several ideas were shared about potential partnership opportunities between the state library and other libraries in Wyoming. David received a tour of the State Library and learned about the processes the library uses to engage with the citizens and other libraries in the state. David was able to promote several NNLM resources, and there seemed to be interest in some of the NNLM’s products and services.
The group discussed what products and services NNLM Region 4 can offer to the different library constituencies in Wyoming. One topic was telehealth and a potential new project that would allow public libraries to host a telehealth booth in their libraries. Another was a project revolving around partnerships related to libraries and other professionals such as social workers and public health experts. Also discussed were misinformation and disinformation, and the issues the public library staff have been facing throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The group talked about professional development and potential opportunities to offer trainings to allow librarians and library staff to earn their Certified Health Information Specialization (CHIS).
Overall, this was a rewarding experience for all and hopefully these conversations will continue throughout Wyoming and the rest of Region 4. If anyone is interested in having a discussion or would like to learn more about the products and services of contact NNLM Region 4 to learn more about NNLM products and services to further discuss opportunities and possibilities.