Posted by liaison on February 14th, 2023
Posted in: #CC/Academic List, #Health Interest List, #Health Sciences List, #Public/K-12 List, All Members, Blog
If you haven’t already done so, please register for the upcoming R4 Connections Meeting!
March 9, 2023 is our next scheduled NNLM R4 Connections. The meeting will take place at 10AM PT, 11AM MST, 12N CT, 1PM ET.
We are excited to have guest speaker Corbin Darling, Environmental Justice (EJ) Coordinator at the US EPA’s Region 8 Office in Denver, CO. He will provide an overview of key EJ concepts and definitions, a discussion of the EJ priority within EPA and the Federal government, and an introduction to EPA’s EJ screening and mapping tool; EJScreen.
The presentation will be 30 minutes long, followed by an open forum for members interested in meeting with or asking Region 4 team members questions.
To register, visit https://www.nnlm.gov/training/class/r4-connections-environmental-justice-epa-perspective-and-priorities
Once you have registered, you will receive the link and password to attend this session.