Posted by liaison on January 4th, 2018
Posted in: #Public/K-12 List
The NNLM MCR will be making available funding for the Public Library Programming Project Award. We will fund five awards up to $1,500 each.
The purpose of this award is to fund public library programming to increase the awareness of and education on health topics incorporating NLM and/or NNLM health information resources (e.g., MedlinePlus, Genetics Home Reference), relevant to their service community, with a particular focus on the public health priorities of their community and programs for underserved populations. Examples of programming projects include hosting a health fair, healthy cooking classes, mind/body programming (e.g., yoga, meditation), chronic illness self-management, and supporting health initiatives such as the All of Us Research Program.
To be eligible for funding your organization must be an NNLM MCR member. Membership(s) may be confirmed by visiting the NNLM Member Directory. Not a member, join today, it’s free.
The award will open January 12, 2018. Please visit the MCR funding page for more information and links. /da