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Because we were having technical difficulties with our website, we have decided to extend our deadline. It is now August 20, we are anxious to read your proposals.
The Network of the National Library of Medicine, Region 4 (NNLM Region 4) invites applications for health information outreach, programming projects, and professional development opportunities. We want to see your application.
The mission of the Network of the National Library of Medicine is to advance the progress of medicine, improve public health by providing U.S. health professionals with equal access to biomedical information, and improve individuals’ access to information to enable them to make informed decisions about their health. Under a Cooperative Agreement with the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the University of Utah Health Sciences Library System serves as the Regional Medical Library for NNLM Region 4.
Eligibility: Network member organizations in Region 4 (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota and North Dakota) are eligible to apply. Membership is FREE and open to libraries, community-based organizations, clinics, public health departments and other organizations that provide or distribute health information.
Awards to NNLM Region 4 member organizations help advance the goals of the NLM Strategic Plan and help us achieve two National Network Performance Measures:
For more information about these awards, please visit:
Available awards include:
The purpose of this award is to support the professional development needs of librarians/information professionals and library/information school students* at NNLM Region 4 member institutions to improve their ability to grow and advance their skills as health information professionals.
* Supports travel awards for students and health occupation students interested in a health information, career, with a maximum amount of $2,000.
The purpose of these awards is to support short-term projects that involve program improvement to advance access to health information resources. We anticipate funding approximately four awards in our region (AZ, NM, CO, UT, WY, ID, MT, ND and SD) each consisting of approximately $5,000 dollars.
The purpose of these awards is to develop new or enhance existing collaborative projects among all library types to increase awareness and use of NLM resources. We look forward to funding five awards ranging in approximately $5,000 dollars.
RML staff members are available to answer questions about the awards, or to discuss potential project ideas. email us at: .
We look forward to seeing your proposals!