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Region 5 Blog March 29th, 2025
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Emergency Preparedness: Upcoming Webcast: Dec. 12 at noon – 1pm (Pacific)

Posted by on November 29th, 2006 Posted in: Training & Education

On December 12 at 12:00 – 1:00 PM (Pacific), the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice (NWCPHP) will broadcast a webcast called “Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures for All Hazards Preparedness and Response”.

This session is one of a series of “Hot Topics in Preparedness” offered by NWCPHP. It is geared for local health departments but general principles about planning and implementing emergency preparedness plans will be useful for any type of organization.

If you are interested in this free session, first contact the appropriate state coordinator at your state health department.

If there are no seats (connections) available from your state coordinator, Nicola Marsden-Haug at the NWCPHP regional office will likely have extra “seats”. Please call Nicola at 206-616-5957 or email nicolamh@u.washington.edu.

Also, the session can be viewed later via the NWCPHP archives for the “Hot Topics in Preparedness” presentations at:


By the end of this session participants will be able to:
–Describe the purpose of an emergency plan.
–Differentiate between a plan and a procedure.
–Explain the relationship between an all hazards emergency plan and the
–Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIP).
–List the steps for developing EPIPs.
–Summarize how to organize a set of EPIPs.
–Discuss the need for a process for administrative review and approval.

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The NNLM Web Services Office (NWSO) is responsible for developing and maintaining reliable Web services for NNLM in compliance with the US Department of Health & Human Services information policies. NWSO is committed to providing network members with the information resources they need.

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