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Hot Topics In Preparedness: An Inclusive Approach to Just-In-Time Training, September 21st at Noon (Pacific)

Posted by on September 20th, 2010 Posted in: News From NNLM PNR, Training & Education

The NN/LM PNR will be hosting a group seating for the next Hot Topics in Preparedness webcast on Tuesday, September 21st at noon Pacific.  To join us in person, come to the University of Washington Health Sciences Library, Room T-223.

If you are unable to sit in on the webcast in person, they are archived on the Northwest Center for Public Health Practice site for future viewing.

Session Description

This presentation will provide an orientation to the model of Inclusive Just-in-Time Training (I-JITT). The three principles (learning dimensions, learning styles, cultural context) of this approach will be described. Participants will also learn how to adopt the framework and philosophy into current public health preparedness training programs.

Learner Objectives

By the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • List the three principles of I-JITT
  • Define the three principles of I-JITT
  • Describe how to integrate the I-JITT model into local health department operations


Beth McGinnis, MPH, received a Master of Public Health degree (2002) from Oregon State University and a Bachelor of Science in Public Health Education (2000) from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Prior to her work in the Multnomah County Health Department (MCHD) APC program, she coordinated a CDC funded demonstration project on pandemic influenza planning in health care settings for the Region I Health Preparedness Organization, based at MCHD. Additionally, she spent 6 years working in HIV prevention and care services administration and planning in Washington State.

Aron Stephens, MPH, received a Master of Public Health degree (2007) from Portland State University, and a Bachelor of Science (2003) from the University of Vermont. Prior to her work in the MCHD APC program, she helped develop a CDC funded demonstration project on pandemic influenza planning in health care settings for the Region I Health Preparedness Organization, based at MCHD. She’s worked in other emergency preparedness projects within the department, as well as in chronic disease prevention. Prior to the health department, she coordinated patient advocacy programs at the National Psoriasis Foundation.

Hot Topics in Preparedness (known throughout the region as HTIP or Hot Topics) is sponsored by Northwest Center for Public Health Practice (NWCPHP) to provide an authoritative hour-long forum each month for discussing topics that are important to the public health practice community. They focus on the six states in the region (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming) and the tribal health units (coordinated through the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board).  While many of the topics are specific to the public health community, they are also relevant to Network Members of NN/LM.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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