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Region 5 Blog December 19th, 2024
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Hot Topics In Practice: Paying For Prevention, A Critical Opportunity For Public Health

Posted by on December 10th, 2012 Posted in: News From NNLM PNR, Training & Education

Tuesday, December 18th
Noon – 1pm Pacific
Host: Northwest Center for Public Health Practice
Presenter: Jean O’Connor, JD, DrPH

The passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 set the stage for transformational change in both public health and medical care delivery.  Although there has been significant debate about the implementation of the ACA, some states are taking advantage of this opportunity to form new collaborations.  Oregon is one such state and is leading the reform through the development of Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs), networks of providers who work together.

In the December Hot Topics, Jean O’Connor, Deputy Director of the Oregon Public Health Division, will discuss the origins and progress of the movement toward CCOs in Oregon.  O’Connor will also explain how the implementation of CCOs will dramatically change how care in delivered by focusing on prevention, fostering accountability, reducing waste, and lowering costs.  This new model offers exciting opportunities for public health to better address the social determinants of health, take on new leadership roles, and work with communities to improve health outcomes.  Register now to learn how the better integration of public health and medical care will help define health in the 21st Century.

Connection Information:

Join Link: https://nwcphp.ilinc.com/join/bktcbpb
Phone Number*: 1-800-379-6841  Passcode: 541133#

*You may choose to listen to the audio through your computer’s speakers (choose “Connect” when you enter the webinar) or call in by telephone (select “I am dialed in” when you join the webinar).

More information about this and other Hot Topics sessions is available from the Hot Topics web site: http://www.nwcphp.org/training/hot-topics

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