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Region 5 Blog March 30th, 2025
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A Fond Farewell

Posted by on June 26th, 2023 Posted in: Blog

In July of 2022, I joined NNLM Region 5 to help create the Diverse Voices in Health & Medicine Collection Development Toolkit. Michele Spatz and I finished the Toolkit shortly before her retirement at the end of September and I stayed on to help with promotion, Collection Equity Award reporting, and the NNLM Reading Club.

I am leaving Region 5 this week to join the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) Associate Fellow Program. I am excited to learn more about the different departments and projects at NLM and gain more skills to become a better health sciences librarian. However, it is bittersweet to be accepted into the program because I have loved working with the Region 5 office and have grown professionally from my time here. The office has an amazing team who are dedicated to finding ways to help library organizations in every part of the region. I’ve also been able to work with incredible librarians throughout the region and in every interaction, they have demonstrated their kindness, their enthusiasm, and their expertise in the field.

My time with the NNLM has taught me how outreach and training opportunities can improve libraries and change lives. It’s been rewarding to hear from Collection Equity Award recipients about how they have better served their communities from NNLM awards. I have also been happy to hear from others who have been able to use the Diverse Voices Toolkit to help them improve health equity in their collections.

Our office has plans to expand the Toolkit and my hope is it will continue to grow as a valuable collection development resource for libraries of all types and increase health resources for underrepresented and marginalized groups. It has been an honor to be involved with this collaboration.

Are you or do you know a recent MLS graduate or library student who would like an opportunity to learn more about the National Library of Medicine and participate in research, projects, and professional development? Consider applying for the 2024-2025 NLM Associate Fellow Program! Applications will re-open in autumn. In the meantime, you can connect with me to ask questions about the program by emailing the Region 5 Office (nnlm@uw.edu) for my contact information.

In the immortal words of Douglas Adams, “So long, and thanks for all the fish!”

Image of the author ABOUT Kristi Torp
Kristi is a Project Specialist with NNLM Region 5. She is dedicated to health literacy and believes everyone should have equitable access to accurate health information.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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