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Region 5 Blog February 22nd, 2025
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Announcing *new* NNLM PNR Funding Opportunity for COVID-19 Health Information Outreach

Posted by on September 22nd, 2020 Posted in: Blog, Funding, News From NNLM PNR


During the COVID-19 pandemic, communities have a greater need than ever for access to high-quality electronic information resources, and the NNLM PNR wants to help.

The NNLM PNR is pleased to announce a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a *new* COVID-19 Health Information Outreach Award.

Network members in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington are eligible to receive up to $15,000 to pilot and/or develop programs that address community health needs resulting from the COVID-19 global pandemic. This also includes tools and training to manage information overload or combat misinformation.

At least five (5) COVID-19 Health Information Outreach Awards are available, and applications are due October 30, 2020.

If you plan to submit a proposal, please email a brief statement of intent no later than Friday, October 16. Please submit your statement of intent to apply to nnlm@uw.edu.

Visit the link below for more complete information on the award and how you can apply today!

COVID-19 Health Information Outreach Award

Programming ideas you might propose could include (but are not limited to) virtual or in-person* programming such as:

  • health fairs
  • exhibits
  • classes
  • story times
  • development of toolkits
  • train-the-trainer sessions or bootcamps
  • guest speakers for webinars or online lectures

*Dependent on your state, county, and institution’s policies on gatherings and travel, it may be prudent to have contingency plans with alternative virtual programming.

You can also propose to expand e-services and distance programming through enhanced technology, such as (but not limited to):

  • equipping librarians or community health workers with mobile technologies to aid in providing remote instruction
  • installing high speed or broadband access to the Internet in areas where Internet is not presently available
  • Upgrading a slow dial-up Internet connection to a higher speed connection such as cable or broadband
  • Piloting a new distance learning software program or system

Preference will be given to proposals supporting NIH-designated U.S. health disparity populations as defined under the Evaluation Criteria section in the RFP.

We look forward to your ideas and hope to see proposals from all 5 states of the NNLM PNR, which includes AK, ID, MT, OR, and WA!

If you have a question, please drop us a line (nnlm@uw.edu). We welcome all questions and input.

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Image of the author ABOUT Cathy Burroughs
Cathy Burroughs, MLS, is Executive Director of the Network of the National Library of Medicine, Region 5

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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