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Region 5 Blog February 22nd, 2025
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Awakening the Searcher Within

Posted by on January 30th, 2008 Posted in: News From NNLM PNR, Training & Education
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Are you a new MEDLINE searcher or do you feel that you’ve forgotten some of those tips you learned about searching MEDLINE when you took the class years ago? Join us for this exciting distance learning seminar.

The seven one-hour bi-weekly web sessions will help you get, or remember, tips and tricks for becoming, or remaining, an expert searcher. You will receive two questions for each session and have 2 weeks to work on the search. Then there will be a live web session where these searches will be discussed.
Andrew Hamilton and Dolores Judkins from the OHSU Library will facilitate the discussion, but remember, everyone searches differently, so you can be sure you’ll pick up some tips from everyone involved in the session.

The first of the seminar’s sessions will be on Wednesday, February 6th at 1:00 PM Pacific Time (noon Alaska Time and 2:00 PM Mountain Time)

The dates of the remaining sessions are as follows:

    • Every other Wednesday at 1:00 pm


    • Feb. 20th


    • March 12th and 26th


    • Apr 9th and 23rd


    May 7th wrap up

Here are the questions for the first seminar:

    • 1. Does zinc work in treating the common cold?


    2. Find some information on night eating.

Guidelines are:
1. Use whatever resource(s) you think are appropriate for the question.
2. Save your search strategy and the first 10 citations if applicable.
3. We will be using Ovid and PubMed as MEDLINE interfaces, but feel free to use the interface of your choice. It is always interesting to see how different interfaces answer a question.
4. Everyone searches differently, so we look forward to seeing the many ways these questions are approached. There are no wrong answers
5. Be prepared to discuss your reasons for your choices.
6. Email your search strategies to Dolores and Andrew ahead of each session. They will select several different strategies that highlight different ways to search for the same question.
7. Don’t forget this is an interactive seminar – participate!

You can also contribute before or after the session by emailing your strategy to Maryanne Blake. All strategies will be entered on the seminar’s web page at http://nnlm.gov/pnr/training/search-seminar.html

How to Participate:
For more information on how to connect to WebMeeting go to http://nnlm.gov/pnr/training/RMLrendezvous.html

Join Dolores, Andrew, and your Northwest colleagues in learning on the web.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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