Posted by Carolyn Martin on July 5th, 2016
Posted in: Data Science, News from NIH
NIH is pleased to announce an opportunity to evaluate and provide feedback on a prototype biomedical Data Discovery Index (DDI) called DataMed (datamed.org). Developed through the BD2K biomedical and healthCAre Data Discovery Indexing Ecosystem project (bioCADDIE, www.bioCADDIE.org), the prototype allows users to find and access biomedical data sets from multiple sources based on key attributes. DataMed is an element of the NIH BD2K Commons, the vision for an interconnected digital ecosystem of resources around data and other research digital objects. This opportunity to shape the prototype in a direction that will benefit all intended users is an exciting point in the evolution of the DataMed Index and an essential ingredient is participation by a broad group of users.
The bioCADDIE development team welcomes your feedback here to increase their understanding of how the website is perceived and experienced by visitors like you. Please send your feedback on any problems, issues, or suggestions for improving DataMed through the following ways:
The information gathered will help the DataMed development team assess and respond to the community and understand user feedback and suggestions to help establish optimal approaches to Finding and Accessing biomedical data, concepts part of the NIH-supported FAIR principles. User feedback will guide further DataMed development and BD2K insight into what works and what doesn’t and contribute to further advances in biomedical research and patient care