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Region 5 Blog March 26th, 2025
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Consumer Health Minute: Caregiving

Posted by on November 7th, 2024 Posted in: Consumer Health, Health Observances
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We often think of caregivers as those helping older adults but many caregivers are also helping those with chronic health conditions such as cancer or those with developmental disability such as cerebral palsy. Caregivers can be short term or long term and for a variety of needs.

Many caregivers are family members or neighbors or friends. Very few have training or are given compensation. And though many caregivers are doing this because they want to, it can be stressful and isolating.
Learn more about caregiving from the CDC and the Family Caregiver Alliance.

How can your library or organization support caregivers?

  • Host an expert about caregiving with tips, guidance, and resources and where you can feature your own resources.
  • Offer your place for caregiver support groups or start one of your own either in-person or virtually.
  • Create a resource guide of local and national resources (including your local library materials).
  • Raise awareness through social media and newsletters.
  • Observe the national health observance, National Caregivers Month in November, with programs and social media posts. Some organizations offer social media kits.
  • Invite a local caregiver support group to learn what their needs are and how you can best serve them OR connect with a local agency to partner together.

Here are some resources to offer:

MedlinePlus topics:

A few additional resources include:

Check with your local or state health department and agencies who may have more local information available.

Image of the author ABOUT Carolyn Martin
Carolyn Martin is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for the NNLM Region 5. She works with various libraries and community organizations to increase health literacy in their communities.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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