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Region 5 Blog October 5th, 2024
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Consumer Health Minute: Environmental Health

Posted by on April 11th, 2024 Posted in: Bio-Medical Professionals, Citizen Science, Consumer Health, Education, Equity Diversity Inclusion, Health Disparities, Health Equity, Health Literacy, Library staff, News from NNLM Region 5, Public Health, Training & Education
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A connected graph shows icons representing built environment, weather, transportation, chemicals, food, and other environmental and social factors, all linked together with an icon representing a family as the focal point. Also included is the text “Social Determinants of Environmental Health Webinar Series, March 5 - April 2, 2024, NNLM.GOV/SDOEH24 #SDOEH” and the NNLM logo.The Network of the National Library of Medicine webinar series, Social Determinants of Environmental Health, just ended. Did you miss any of the sessions or want to review them again or share them with your colleagues? The recordings are now available and you can still get the Medical Library Association (MLA) CE credits. Don’t forget a few of the sessions are eligible towards CHIS (Consumer Health Information Specialization).

The series provided a variety of topics for a variety of audiences. Though all of the sessions have great content and expert speakers you may find some are more research focused or for public health workers rather than the public itself. Keep in mind that they all address how environmental health impacts individual health especially for more vulnerable populations. Social determinants of health has a huge effect on our health and many times economics, politics, prejudice, make those decisions for us.

Want to learn more about environmental health and its impact on your communities? View the recordings and explore the accompanying guide to help you and your organization and library to inform and engage with your communities to work together in improving environmental health.

Image of the author ABOUT Carolyn Martin
Carolyn Martin is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for the NNLM Region 5. She works with various libraries and community organizations to increase health literacy in their communities.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

NNLM and NETWORK OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE are service marks of the US Department of Health and Human Services | Copyright | HHS Vulnerability Disclosure | Download PDF Reader