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Region 5 Blog February 11th, 2025
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Data Flash: Hospital or academic or data-interested librarian? 2 opportunities for data-related training, free!

Posted by on August 27th, 2018 Posted in: Blog, Data Science, News from NNLM, Technology
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Whether you’re in a hospital or academic or research center or other data-related setting, take a look at these two amazing training opportunities—there’s something for everyone!  And they’re free!

1) “Clinical Information, Librarians and the NLM: From Health Data Standards to Better Health

When we did our regional data needs assessment last year, many of you who are hospital librarians said that you wanted to be able to “speak IT”; in other words, to know more about data standards such as UMLS, SNOMED CT, and more.

Well, here’s your chance!  This interactive webinar series consists of five 30-minute Thursday sessions (each at 9 AM Pacific Time).   It “focuses on the roles and products of the National Library of Medicine related to applied medical informatics, particularly as applied to electronic health records systems and clinical research. The series is specially designed for health sciences librarians and other health information specialists seeking to serve more active roles in their health IT team and better support researchers”.  You’ll learn about not only UMLS and SNOMED CT, but also RxNorm, LOINC, Common Data Elements and the Value Set Authority Center.

Want to dazzle your IT team?  Take this class!

2) Biomedical and Health Research Data Management Training for Librarians

If research data management is more your focus, perhaps for those of you in academic or research center settings, this training could be for you.   It can be tough to “pick up” the skills needed to be a support for researchers, and so an intensive guided course with amazing teachers and assigned mentors is a wonderful chance to immerse yourself and kick start your involvement.

“Health sciences librarians are invited to apply for the online course, “Biomedical and Health Research Data Management Training for Librarians”, offered by the NNLM Training Office (NTO). The course is a free, 7-week online class with engaging lessons,  practical activities and a final project. The course runs October 15 – December 14, 2018.  The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to data issues and policies in support of developing and implementing or enhancing research data management training and services at your institution. This material is essential for decision-making and implementation of these programs, particularly instructional and reference services. Course topics include an overview of data management, choosing appropriate metadata descriptors or taxonomies for a dataset, addressing privacy and security issues with data, and creating data management plans.”

Applications are due September 20, 2018.  Note that a letter of commitment from your library is part of the application!

Additional details and the online application are available here, and for questions, please contact the NNLM’s National Teaching Office at  nto@utah.edu .

Of course, we here in the Regional Medical Library are also standing by and always happy to help!

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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