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Region 5 Blog September 16th, 2024
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Data Flash: Wikidata, RDM and Librarians

Posted by on November 26th, 2018 Posted in: Data Science, News from NNLM, News From NNLM PNR, Technology, Training & Education
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You’ve heard of Wikipedia, but are you familiar with Wikidata? What about WikiCite?

If you are interested to hear more, join us as we host Wikidata expert and librarian Katie Mika, from the University of Colorado Boulder!  In this hour-long webinar, she will “introduce the WikiCite initiative (to build a database of open citations to support free and computational access to bibliographic metadata) and will identify simple, high impact ways for librarians to get involved. As experts in the intersection of bibliographic metadata, information discovery, and interdisciplinary research, librarians are a tremendous resource for this community.”

Register for the session (which will be recorded, and a link sent out to registrants). You might also want to check out the link on that page to the NNLM’s Research Data Management Webinar Series, with several recorded sessions already available.

Please send any questions to Ann Glusker, email: glusker (AT) uw.edu.  We look forward to learning along with you on Dec. 7!

P.S.  If you want some fascinating extra reading before the webinar, check out this article by Katie Mika, “Wikidata and BHL” [Biodiversity Heritage Library]

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