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Region 5 Blog February 22nd, 2025
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Data Sciences Learning: Online and In-Person Opportunities

Posted by on February 17th, 2016 Posted in: News from NIH, Technology, Training & Education

Several online and in-person training opportunities can help jump-start your learning of data science topics. Some of the short courses and intensive training programs  listed below are offered in conjunction with NIH Big Data To Knowledge (BD2K) initiative programs. BD2K is a trans-NIH initiative established to enable biomedical research as a digital research enterprise, to facilitate discovery and support new knowledge, and to maximize community engagement.

Online Training & Education

Data Science courses, Online via Coursera

Several data science courses cover analysis, interpretation, management, visualization, cleaning, warehousing, analytics, and communication. Find ongoing data science courses available within the month.

The Data Science Specialization, presented by Johns Hopkins University, covers the concepts and tools to know about throughout the entire data science pipeline, from asking the right kinds of questions to making inferences and publishing results. In the final Capstone Project, students apply the skills learned by building a data product using real-world data. Ongoing.

Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), Online

Through the NIH BD2K program, OHSU is developing relevant data-related open educational resources (OERs) for use in courses, programs, workshops, and related activities. The materials focus on learning at the advanced introductory level. The intended audience includes beginning informatics graduate students, established investigators and senior trainees seeking to learn more about data science to expand their research programs, advanced undergraduates exploring future career paths into data science, as well as a variety of established professionals who need to understand and apply knowledge of the application of BD2K concepts in their present jobs. Ongoing. 

DataONE Summer Internship Program, Hybrid

Call for applications: DataONE will select four interns to work on one of five opportunities:

  1. Exploring the Impact of DataONE: Data Publication and Access Metrics
  2. Semantic Entity Extraction and Linking for Annotation and Ontology Evolution
  3. Developing a Survey Instrument for Evaluation of Teaching Materials
  4. Emerging Research Communities: Fulfilling the Potential of Open Access Earth Science Data
  5. Reproducibility of Script-Based Workflows: A Case Study and Demonstration

Internship positions are open to undergraduate students, graduate students, and postgraduates who have received their degree within the past five years; are currently enrolled or employed at a U.S. university or other research institution; and currently reside in, and be eligible to work in, the United States. Apply by March 14. More information

In-person Training & Education

FORCE16, April 17-19, 2016, Portland, OR

The FORCE2016 Research Communication and e­Scholarship Conference brings together a diverse group of people interested in changing the way in which scholarly and scientific information is communicated and shared. The goal is to maximize efficiency and accessibility. The conference is non­traditional, with all stakeholders coming to the table for open discussion on an even playing field in support of innovation and coordination across perspectives. The conference is intended to create new partnerships and collaborations and support implementation of ideas generated at the conference and subsequent working groups. More information

RDAP16 – Research Data Access and Preservation Summit 2016, May 4-7, 2016, Atlanta, GA

RDAP16 offers attendees the unique chance to interact with and learn from practitioners and researchers working in a variety of fields on research data management, access, and preservation issues. The Summit provides a forum for reaching across disciplines and institutions to work on common solutions to issues surrounding research data management. Participants will have multiple opportunities to expand professional networks and acquire practical knowledge and skills that can be applied to their own work and projects. The Summit is relevant to the interests and needs of data managers and curators, librarians who work with research data, and researchers and data scientists. A wide range of disciplines from the life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities will be represented by practitioners and researchers from academic institutions, data centers, funding agencies, and industry. More information

Data and Visualization Institute for Librarians, May 23-27, 2016, Raleigh, NC

This week-long course, held at North Carolina State University, will provide opportunities for librarians passionate about research and scholarship to immerse themselves in learning about data science and visualization in collaboration with academic peers. Participants will develop knowledge, skills, and confidence to communicate effectively with faculty and student researchers about their data and be able to provide initial consultancy on the course topics. Led by expert instructors, sessions will be interactive and will focus on mastery of core concepts, with hands-on exposure to select open source and highly used commercial tools. Apply by March 13. More information

Summer Research Training Program in Biomedical Big Data Science, June 6 – August 12, 2016, Multiple sites

The BD2K-LINCS DCIC Summer Research Training Program in Biomedical Big Data Science is a research intensive ten-week training program for undergraduate and graduate students interested in participating in cutting edge research projects aimed at solving data-intensive biomedical problems. Summer fellows conduct faculty-mentored independent research projects within laboratories affiliated with the Center in the following areas: data integration, dynamic data visualization, machine learning, data harmonization, computational drug discovery, metadata and APIs, knowledge modeling, Bayesian networks and statistical mining. Three sites will host 2016 summer sessions: New York, NY: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati, and Miami, FL: University of Miami. Applicants must be 1) a U.S. citizen or a U.S. permanent resident; 2) an undergraduate or master’s student in good academic standing. More information

Informatics on High-throughput Sequencing Data, June 9-10, 2016, Montreal, Quebec

This workshop covers the bioinformatics tools available for managing and interpreting high-throughput sequencing data from Illumina reads using a reference genome. Beginning with an understanding of the workflow involved to move from platform images to sequence generation, participants will gain practical experience and skills to be able to assess sequence quality; map sequence data onto a reference genome; quantify sequence data; and integrate biological context with sequence information. This workshop is intended for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, clinical fellows and investigators involved in analyzing data from HT sequencing platforms. More information

Data Matters: Data Science Short Courses, June 20-24, 2016, Chapel Hill, NC

This week-long series of classes is for researchers, data analysts, and other individuals who wish to increase their skills in data studies and integrate data science methods into their research designs and skill sets. Both one- and two-day courses will be offered and participants are welcome to register for one, two, or three classes. Highly qualified instructors from across the country teach courses on topics such as information visualization, data curation, R, health informatics, open data, machine learning, social network analysis, and more. More information

International Data Week, Sept. 11-17, 2016, Denver, CO

International Data Week (IDW) will bring together data scientists, researchers, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, policy makers and data stewards to explore how best to exploit the data revolution to improve knowledge and benefit society through data-driven research and innovation. The theme of this landmark event is ‘From Big Data to Open Data: Mobilising the Data Revolution’. IDW is made up of three complementary events: SciDataCon 2016: Advancing the Frontiers of Data in Research, an International Data Forum, and The 8th Research Data Alliance Plenary Meeting. More information

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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