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Region 5 Blog September 8th, 2024
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Director’s Insights: Getting to Know Region 5

Posted by on June 13th, 2024 Posted in: Blog, New from NNLM Region 5, News from NNLM Region 5
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It has been almost ten weeks since I started as Executive Director for Region 5, and at the risk of sounding cliche, the time has been flying by! I have immersed myself in learning about the NNLM, Region 5, and the University of Washington as I work with the Region 5 team to chart a course through the fourth year of our five-year cooperative agreement.

One of my goals for my first year in this position is to get to know Region 5 better. We are a vast region covering over 1 million miles and home to over 57 million people. We cover five time zones! Region 5 currently has 831 total members, including public libraries, academic libraries, community organizations, health departments, and more; any organization that provides health information or services can join as an NNLM member for free!

To learn more about Region 5 and its members, we are hosting a virtual meet-and-greet session with me on Wednesday, July 17th, at 3:00 PM PST. This event is an opportunity to get to know me better, share your ideas and feedback about Region 5 programming, and learn more about the initiatives for the upcoming year.

Registration for this event is free and open! Register to attend at https://www.nnlm.gov/meet-and-greet. I hope to see you there!

– Kathryn



Image of the author ABOUT Kathryn Vela
Kathryn Vela is the Executive Director for NNLM Region 5.

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