Posted by nwsoadmin on November 28th, 2011
Posted in: Emergency Preparedness, Funding, News From NNLM PNR
NN/LM PNR is pleased to announce one more new funding opportunity: Disaster Health Information Outreach Awards.
The purpose of the Disaster Health Information Outreach Project is to design programs for improving disaster medicine and public health information access for health professionals, first responders and others (paid or volunteer) that play a role in health-related disaster preparedness, response and recovery. Emphasis is on providing information or access to health and medical information in a way useful to the target audiences, and increasing the awareness and utilization of high-quality professional-level online medical and public health information resources on disaster, all-hazards, and emergency topics including resources from the National Library of Medicine. The purpose is also to promote new and creative collaborations on disaster health information needs among and to the mutual benefit of librarians, information specialists, or informationists and the disaster workforce.
Approved projects will be funded up to $15,000.
For more information, see the full funding announcement or contact Gail Kouame at or 206-221-3449.
Proposals will be accepted until February 1, 2012. However, if you plan to submit a proposal, we need a brief statement of intent no later than January 13, 2012 to help our planning process. Please submit your statement of intent to apply to