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Seeking Disaster Information Continuing Education Instructors/Course Developers

Posted by on March 5th, 2012 Posted in: Emergency Preparedness, Funding, News from NLM, Training & Education


The Medical Library Association (MLA) is looking for up to five continuing education (CE) instructors/instructor teams to develop and teach courses on disaster information as part of a project to enhance its Disaster Information Specialization project.  Each instructor/instructor team selected will be responsible for developing one new disaster information course.  At the end of this project, 5 new courses will be added to MLA’s specialization.  Below are specifics regarding this course development project:

To develop the content and materials for a CE course focusing on disaster information.  MLA is contracting for two basic courses each 3 hours in length and three advanced courses each 4 hours in length.  The instructor will have a liaison from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) for content assistance.

Course Titles/Topics (see www.mlanet.org/education/dis/index.html for the list of individual course topics and content):

  • Basic 1: U.S. Response to Disaster and Public Health Emergencies – or similar title
  • Basic 2: Information Roles in Disaster Preparedness, Response, Recovery – or similar title
  • Advanced 1: CBRN and Hazmat Information Resources – or similar title
  • Advanced 2: See list of suggested topics on MLANET – www.mlanet.org/education/dis/index.html.  MLA will also consider developer-created course subject.
  • Advanced 3: See list of suggested topice on MLANET – www.mlanet.org/education/dis/index.html.  MLA will also consider developer-created course subject.

To present the course both in-person and virtually.  The goal is to reach approximately 40 individuals per course with the various presentations.

In-person courses:

  • The two basic courses will take place on Thursday, May 24th directly following MLA’s Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA.
  • The three advanced course will take place with local library groups. MLA is currently negotiating local venues for hosting the courses. They plan to host one advanced course per month in June, July and August 2012.
  • In-person courses should include student interaction beyond the standard Q&A session.

Virtual courses:

  • The virtual courses would need to be taught during the summer of 2012. Our current virtual hosting schedule is:

June 2012: Basis 1
July 2012: Basic 2 and Advanced 1
August 2012: Advanced 2 and 3

  • The virtual course should include a minimum of 3-4 hours of online instruction with student interaction.  The course should include live, virtual presentations and a variety of “homework” assignments that can include pre- and post- testing, case studies, journal article reading, and other interactive activities.  These activities may take place before, during or after the live, virtual presentation.  If needed, MLA would be able to assist with the use of their instructional software.
  • The Scope of Work for Course Developers from NLM (MLA’s project partner) is located on MLANET (see www.mlanet.org/education/dis/index.html).  MLA strongly encourages developers to read this document before submitting a proposal.
  • MLA will provide a $5,000 honorarium for the development of the course.  There are also additional funds set aside for honoraria and expenses to teach the course both virtually and in person.

Additional Background Information

The development and instruction of these courses will be a part of the curriculum of MLA’s Disaster Information Specialization.  This specialization is a joint project of MLA and NLM.  This program will be designed to develop the capacity of librarians and other interested professionals to provide disaster-related health information outreach.

The vision of this specialization is to create a continuing education program that will prepare participants to provide disaster-related library or information services as part of their ongoing job functions.  The specialization will offer a curriculum of courses that would allow those interested to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to support their libraries, institutions and communities with information needed for disaster preparedness, response and recovery.

This program would be designed to allow participants the opportunity to expand their roles by offering more specialized training in providing access to information in times of disaster and emergency.

To find out more about the development of MLA Disaster Information Specialization check out http://www.mlanet.org/education/dis/index.html.

The curriculum for MLA’s Disaster Information Specialization already includes one basic course entitled “Disaster Health Information Sources: The Basics.”  This course was developed by Robin Featherstone as part of MLA’s 2010-2011 contract with NLM.  To find out more about Robin’s course, go to http://mlanet.org/education/dis/basics.html.

Submission Instructions

If you are interested in being considered as an instructor(s)/course developer(s) for these courses, please send an email to mlapd1@mlahq.org.  This email should include:

  • Your name and contact information;
  • A copy of your resume/CV, including your teaching and course development experience;
  • A brief (500-word or less) description of your interest in the project including your experience or knowledge of disaster information; and
  • Your ideas for the course including how you would include student interaction and a brief outline of course content

Your email and any questions should be sent to Kathleen Combs, MLA’s Director of Professional Development, at mlapd1@mlahq.org by Wednesday, March 14, 2012.

This project is funded by the National Library of Medicine under contract HHS-N-276-2010-00782-P

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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