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Region 5 Blog February 28th, 2025
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DOCLINE Holds for the Holidays

Posted by on December 11th, 2008 Posted in: News From NNLM PNR, Resource Sharing & Document Delivery

Is your library closing for the holidays? If you’ll be closed for two or more consecutive working days, please remember to deactivate your DOCLINE account by using the feature within DOCLINE:


Go to Institutions, Update, then Out of Office. Enter the date range when requests should not route to your library and click REQUEST APPROVAL.

This notifies your RML to review your Out of Office request. The message “Out of Office request is awaiting approval” will appear in your “Activity and Status” area of the Home page. Out of Office requests do not take effect until your RML approves them. Once approval has occurred, the message on your Home page will be removed.

Deactivation of your account will prevent DOCLINE requests from routing to your library. If you are a Loansome Doc provider and provide a resume date on the Out of Office request, your patrons will be warned that their requests may not be acted upon until that date, but can place requests. If you do not provide a resume date, patrons will not be able to send Loansome Doc requests to your library.

Note:On the last day prior to your library becoming inactive, please process as many requests as possible as ‘Filled’ or ‘Not Filled’. At the end of the day, please receipt any new requests and process all outstanding requests as ‘Not Filled’ so they will immediately route on to the next potential lender. Need help? Contact your DOCLINE Coordinator, Patricia Devine, by email, devine@u.washington.edu or phone 206-543-8275.

Image of the author ABOUT Patricia Devine
Medical Librarian, Network Outreach Coordinator, NN/LM, PNR. I work for a network of libraries and organizations with an interest in health information.

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