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Region 5 Blog February 22nd, 2025
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Five Easy Ways to Use NLM Product Guides

Posted by on February 2nd, 2023 Posted in: Education, News from NLM, News from NNLM, Training & Education
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The National Library of Medicine recently released a series of Product Guides, and they’re pretty handy. Here are a few high-impact ways you can use them in your organization.

Simple line drawing of a square with a face and arms and legs holding a pencil. A yellow flipchart is next to it with drawing of a lighted up lightbulb

1. Share them with your colleagues. Because each Product Guide contains suggested use cases for multiple audiences (including consumers, healthcare providers, information professionals and researchers), there’s truly something for everyone!

2. Print and display hard copies for commonly used products. Do you have some ClinicalTrials.gov superusers in your space? Or what about NLM Digital Collections afficionados? With printed copies of Product Guides, your users can grab, go, and get inspired at their leisure.

3. Build a training or tutorial. Product Guides are brief by design, but packed with instructional prompts that can jump-start your teaching efforts about NLM resources.

4. Refresh your knowledge. Sometimes, when you know a product like the back of your hand, it’s helpful to pause and get re-grounded in the intended purpose. At your leisure, you can scan the Product Guides and remember why you fell in love with MedlinePlus in the first place. Or better yet…

5. Learn about a new product. With over 200 products, NLM is clearly the proverbial teacher’s pet when it comes to providing access to biomedical information. That means our learning is never done. See a product on the list you’ve never heard of? Scan the guide and see what stands out! I am now pretty intrigued by NLM Scrubber – but there are plenty of options for your enjoyment in our updated Product Guides. Happy exploring!

Image of the author ABOUT Liz Morris
Liz Morris is an Outreach & Access Coordinator with NNLM Region 5. She believes accessible and reliable health information is critical to promote health literacy and improve health equity. She's particularly interested in medical humanities and translational science.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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