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Region 5 Blog March 6th, 2025
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Re-forming Health Care: Changes that Impact Patients, Health Systems, and Librarians

Posted by on March 20th, 2015 Posted in: News From NNLM PNR

The NN/LM Greater Midwest Region held a symposium on “Re-forming Health Care: Changes that Impact Patients, Health Systems, and Librarians” on March 12, 2015, from 1:00-5:00 p.m. Central Time at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing Events Center.

The program is archived for post-event participation.  You can register to receive 4 hours MLA CE credit for listening to this online program.

Topics and speakers

Transitions in Health Care Delivery: Patient Communication in the New Era
Eric S. Swirsky
Clinical Assistant Professor, College of Applied Health Sciences. University of Illinois at Chicago
•Continuing pressures to address health care expense and quality in the US health care system have resulted in various responses including the Affordable Care Act. Health care delivery experts suggest that there needs to be a health care shift toward a patient-focused health system where patients are engaged in making decisions about their health care. Swirsky will talk about these changes and the values which drive them.

The Affordable Care Act and the Need for Information
Brenda Delgado
External Affairs Liaison/ Marketplace Outreach Lead, Office of the Regional Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Chicago
•The Affordable Care Act (ACA), enacted in March 2010, has implications for individuals, health care systems, and those involved in health care. The ACA means increased information needs for individuals and changing information needs for health care systems and those involved in health care. Hennessy will outline ACA provisions and implementation, discuss the impact of the ACA on information needs of individuals and on health care, and suggest possible roles for librarians and libraries in meeting these needs.

Improving the Quality, Safety, and Cost-Effectiveness of Patient Care through Evidence-Based Practice at the Organizational Level
Craig A. Umscheid
Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania; Director, Center for Evidence-Based Practice, University of Pennsylvania
•Few health care institutions are incorporating evidence into decision making at the systems level. The University of Pennsylvania Health System embraces an information and evidence-based culture that influences the quality of care and affects the financial bottom line. Umscheid will demonstrate how this culture has improved health care delivery and impacted care of the individual at Penn Medicine.

Panel Discussion / Question and Answer Period: Eric S. Swirsky, Brenda Delgado, Dr. Robert Furno, Craig A. Umscheid
•Begins at 2:10:08 on the timeline.

Image of the author ABOUT Carolyn Martin
Carolyn Martin is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for the NNLM Region 5. She works with various libraries and community organizations to increase health literacy in their communities.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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