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Region 5 Blog March 11th, 2025
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Help us think about data! DEADLINE EXTENDED THROUGH MAY 10!

Posted by on April 17th, 2017 Posted in: News From NNLM PNR

Greetings! (with apologies to those who have already seen this information by email) Have you heard that two data coordinators have just started working at the Regional Medical Library? We are Annie Madhavan and Ann Glusker (AKA “The Anns”) and we are librarians who happen to have backgrounds in epidemiology, data indexing, public health, allied health, and public librarianship. Mostly we are passionate about data—learning about it, sharing it, teaching others to use it, gathering it, you name it!

We want to direct our programs and services to what you need and want, and so we’re writing to ask you to fill out a BRIEF (less than 10 minute) confidential survey. In it we will be asking about how you use (or don’t use, or would like to use) data in your work, and what is the most useful support and training we can offer you.

Here is the link (for those of you interested, the survey software is REDCap): https://is.gd/NNLM_PNRdataneeds

The survey deadline HAS BEEN EXTENDED THROUGH MAY 10, but if you need more time to fill it out, let us know. We’ll be sharing the results (in aggregate form only) sometime this summer.

And, if you feel that you aren’t the best person in your organization to answer the survey, feel free to forward this information to the person who is—and/or to others who might have important input. We are hoping to limit responses to a maximum of 5 per organization, but don’t want to lose the chance for more feedback either!

Last but not least, if you fill out this survey (and list your email at the end), you will be entered to win a fabulous prize—10 lucky winners will receive an NNLM tape measure! Woo-hoo!

Let us know if you have any questions! And, seriously, thank you for your help with this important work—we couldn’t do any of it without you, and we appreciate your time and consideration.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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