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Region 5 Blog February 23rd, 2025
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iPadxtravaganza: The Great PNR iPad Collaborative Learning Project

Posted by on January 31st, 2013 Posted in: Technology, Training & Education

The iPad, a tablet computer produced by Apple, in the few years since its introduction to the market in 2010 has become not only an incredibly popular device generally, but has also become established within the medical community.  Providers use iPads for charting, to share information with patients and medical librarians use iPads while rounding with teams to perform literature searches.  With this information in mind (not to mention the utility of carrying an iPad to conferences and meetings!) the NN/LM PNR would like to provide a cohort of network members with iPads to integrate the device into their professional work and explore this technology together.

For this project we are looking for Full Network Members* who do not currently have an iPad that they use at work, who have access to WIFI in their workplace and who are willing to commit to an online group sharing and learning experience for a five month period (March – July 2013).  We will be using the website and app Glassboard to facilitate this process.  During the project period, we ask that you contribute at a minimum on a bi-weekly basis.  A contribution could mean sharing a tip, asking a question, posting a link, starting a discussion on or about using your iPad in a medical library setting.  Those participating will get to keep the iPad after the project period is completed.

PNR will be providing between 30 and 40 iPads for this project.  Participants will be selected based on meeting the basic requirements listed above and on their brief (~250 word response to this prompt: “Why would you like to participate in the NN/LM PNR iPad cohort?”  Here are some possible questions to answer : Why would you like to have an iPad? In what ways will an iPad enhance your work as a professional? What are you most excited to use the iPad for? How can you use an iPad to improve library service? Are there any projects you’d like to implement?  Entries will be considered on the basis of enthusiasm for learning how to use the device, to share their learning process with others and willingness to explore new and emerging roles for librarians as they relate to technology.

To apply to participate in the iPad project, please complete this questionnaire: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WQW5HPQ.  Applications must be received by February 22, 2013.

If you have any questions, please contact Mahria Lebow, mahria@uw.edu

*Not sure if you’re a Full Network Member? Generally this means you participate in DOCLINE.  To check, please look up your institution in our member directory http://nnlm.gov/members/adv.html.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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