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Region 5 Blog March 31st, 2025
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March PNR Rendezvous- Climate Change and Health

Posted by on March 13th, 2019 Posted in: Health Literacy, Public Health, Public Libraries, Training & Education

One topic of conversation that is often considered more neutral is the weather. However, that has changed over the years as the focus sometimes centers of extreme weather or talks of hotter summers, more storms, melting glaciers, etc. These conversations are now sometimes turning into heated debates and we may not always understand the science of climate change and how that affects our lives. The next PNR Rendezvous webinar session will be focusing on climate change and how it is not only affecting those in Alaska but also those in other parts of the country.

Our speaker will be Michael Brubaker, Director of Community Environment and Health, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, who has been working in the Alaska Tribal Health System for over twenty years. His areas of focus include health impact assessments, climate change, environmental health and achieving safe, healthy sustainable communities.

Below are the details of when and how to join the webinar.

Date: Wednesday, March 20

Time: 1-2PM (Pacific) | 12-1PM (Alaska) | 2-3PM (Mountain) | 3-4PM (Central) | 4-5PM (Eastern) | 11AM-12PM (Hawaii)

Presentation: Climate Change and Community Health in Rural Alaska

This session provides an overview of climate change in rural Alaska, the impacts on the environment and observed health effects. The presentation includes specific community examples, and also explores some examples of adaptations that are being applied in Alaska through the tribal health system. Effects of climate change on health in general will also be addressed.

How to join the session: Registration is encouraged but not required. Complete information to log on is available on our PNR Rendezvous web page

We encourage you to join the live session but it will be recorded for viewing within a week.

Image of the author ABOUT Carolyn Martin
Carolyn Martin is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for the NNLM Region 5. She works with various libraries and community organizations to increase health literacy in their communities.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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