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Region 5 Blog December 22nd, 2024
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MLGSCA’s DOCLINE Library Group to be Retired

Posted by on March 15th, 2023 Posted in: News from NNLM Region 5, Resource Sharing & Document Delivery

In February 2023, the Medical Librarians Group of of Southern California (MLGSCA) Advisory Council voted to retire their DOCLINE Library Group. The MLGSCA DOCLINE Library Group will be retired on Monday, March 27, 2023.

If your library is one of the 94 libraries in this group, your library will be removed from the group on Monday, March 27 by DOCLINE Support. After March 27 requests will not be routed to the group, even if the group remains in your routing table.

If your library is in the MLGSCA Library Group, it’s recommended to remove the group from your routing table to keep your table tidy, following these steps:


Login to DOCLINE.gov and go to Libraries > Manage Library

In DOCLINE, go to the Libraries tab, then Manage Library.


Under Borrow Information, click Automated Routing Table > Routing Table Management

Under Borrow Information, click Automated Routing Table, then Routing Table Management

Navigate to the Routing Cell that includes the MLGSCA Library Group, and click edit

In this example, the MLGSCA group is listed in routing cell 4.

Finally, use the drop down menu to remove the group from by selecting the blank (——-) option from the menu. Click “update routing cell” to save.

Use the dropdown menu to select the blank option.


Questions? DOCLINE Support is here to help. 

Region 5 DOCLINE Support (California): Emily, docline@uw.edu

Region 4 DOCLINE Support (Arizona): Suzanne, ssawyer@rml4.utah.edu


Thank you to the MLGSCA Advisory Council for their thoughtful decision to retire this group, and to Judy Kraemer for allowing me to use St. Mary Medical Center’s DOCLINE library in these screenshots.

Image of the author ABOUT Emily Hamstra
Emily Hamstra is the Assistant Director of NNLM Region 5.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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