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NEW DATE-December 8 Slated for Public Health Training in Seattle

Posted by on October 6th, 2005 Posted in: News From NNLM PNR

Collaborating with Public Health Professionals and Agencies in Your Area:
A Special Training Opportunity, has been changed to December 8, 2005, in Seattle (instead of December 9).

Due to a potential schedule conflict (with the national American Public Health Association conference), the NN/LM PNR public health training opportunity is rescheduled for December 8, 2005, in Seattle.

The one-day training and sharing session is for network librarians who want to be better prepared to work with state and local public health groups. We will review and discuss the four major sections of the Public Health Information and Data training manual, talk about the core functions of public health, the diversity of the workforce, and the potential for working together. Please come to share experiences and ideas for future presentations and partnerships. Rather than a typical “train-the-trainer” workshop, we imagine this as a strategizing session among peers.

The RML can support travel to Seattle for 8-10 librarians. Librarians who attend will be expected to conduct at least one public health workshop or presentation before April 2006 (with support from the RML via mini-training awards). Priority will be given to applicants with a statement of support from a public health agency or public health worker willing to help organize a training session.

To apply, please email the following to Cathy Burroughs, cburroug@u.washington.edu, by October 31, 2005. Applicants will be notified as soon as possible about space availability.


Network Member Institution:

Briefly describe any previous collaborations with public health workers.

Are you comfortable teaching PubMed, MedlinePlus, and other NLM resources?

Which public health agency(ies) do you expect to work with? If possible, include a separate statement of support from that entity.

Save the NEW date: Thursday, December 8, 2005

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The NNLM Web Services Office (NWSO) is responsible for developing and maintaining reliable Web services for NNLM in compliance with the US Department of Health & Human Services information policies. NWSO is committed to providing network members with the information resources they need.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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