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Region 5 Blog March 28th, 2025
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Recent New Network Members

Posted by on December 8th, 2008 Posted in: News From NNLM PNR

Please join us in welcoming nine new members to the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Region. Our newest members are …

MIKE Program
Portland, Oregon
Jennifer Schoenbeck, Executive Director
The MIKE Program empowers youth to be ambassadors of health in service to their diverse communities through mentorship, partnership, and the promotion of healthy kidneys.
Northern Rockies Medical Center and RHC
Cut Bank, Montana
Patty McDonough, RN Clinic Director
Northern Rockies Medical Center prides itself in serving the medical needs of the residents and visitors to Cut Bank, Glacier County and the surrounding area.
Nampa Public Library
Nampa, Idaho
Judy Balcerzak, Librarian
As the cultural hub of Nampa, the library enthusiastically connects people of all ages to books, movies, music, and programs that entertain, educate, inform, and enrich. Knowledgeable staff with a strong commitment to intellectual freedom and diversity of opinion provide help to learners at all educational levels. Unbiased and expert staff welcome library users while meeting and even anticipating their needs in a safe environment.

Butte Silver Bow Public Library
Butte, Montana
Lee Phillips, Director
Butte-Silver Bow Public Library is the central facility associated with the the library system that serves Butte. The collection of the library contains 97514 volumes. The library circulates 93925 items per year, and serves a population of 34606 residents.

Clark County Public Health Outreach
Vancouver, Washington
Sandi Kendrick, Health Educator
Because your health affects just about everything you do, it helps define you as a person. Similarly, the health of a community is an indicator of its quality of life.

Middleton Middle School Library
Middleton, Idaho
Merrilyn Jefferies, School Nurse
Middleton Middle School … students developing skills to reach full potential, opening doors to opportunity.

Gender Spectrum Education and Training
Seattle, Washington
Aidan Key, Co-Director

Gender Spectrum Education and Training is committed to creating a more supportive world for people of all genders. We do this by increasing awareness and understanding of the normal range of gender variations found in everyone.

Jerome Public Library
Jerome, Idaho
Edie Waite, Adult Services Librarian

The Jerome Public Library provides current, high demand, high interest materials in a variety of formats for persons of all ages; it also supports individuals pursuing a sustained program of learning independent of any educational provider.

Pro Active Advantage Clinical Services
Twin Falls, Idaho
Kim Dopson, Clinical Director

Pro Active Advantage is a drug or alcohol rehabilitation center with a primary focus on mental health and substance abuse treatment.

Image of the author ABOUT Patricia Devine
Medical Librarian, Network Outreach Coordinator, NN/LM, PNR. I work for a network of libraries and organizations with an interest in health information.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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