Posted by Patricia Devine on February 25th, 2013
Posted in: News from NLM, Resource Sharing & Document Delivery
Since April, 2009, NLM’s Journal Donation System has made it possible for libraries to determine whether NLM needs any volumes of the print journals they plan to discard. The system was designed for DOCLINE libraries and was restricted to titles listed in their DOCLINE holdings.
On January 4th, 2013, NLM launched Version 2 of the system. Enhancements make it possible for non-DOCLINE libraries to use the system. In addition, all libraries now can offer titles not owned by NLM. The system can be accessed at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/journaldonation/ or by searching “Journal Donation System” on NLM’s home page. In the system, click on “Help” for detailed instructions. For additional assistance, contact NLM at (301)496-0081 or NLMJournalDonation@mail.nlm.nih.gov. NLM will pay shipping for volumes we need. To donate pre-1871 journal volumes to the History of Medicine Division, see http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/about/donate.html.
Since the beginning of the online donation system in April 2009, a total of 8,230 gifts have been added to the collection. NLM hopes that with the enhancements in Version 2, we can build on the success achieved to date.