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Region 5 Blog February 24th, 2025
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NLM Traveling Exhibits is this month’s PNR Rendezvous

Posted by on April 13th, 2016 Posted in: Training & Education

The Exhibition Program at the National Library of Medicine creates traveling banner exhibitions about the social and cultural history of science and medicine for libraries across the country and around the world. NLM seeks to support host venues by presenting interesting stories that stimulate people’s enthusiasm for history and encourage young people to consider careers in history, education, museum studies, and the health professions. Harry Potter’s World: Renaissance Science, Magic, and Medicine can be seen as a case study in how exhibition projects sometimes evolve. Three academic libraries in Indianapolis hosted the NLM traveling exhibit “Harry Potter’s World”. Utilizing the resources of a local consortium and the National Library of Medicine benefited not only the libraries, but also the students and faculty who were impacted by experiencing the exhibit and made aware of the resources available to them through their library and the NLM.  Learn about the benefits and lessons learned of hosting an NLM traveling exhibit. Listen to the Magic and Wonder of the National Library of Medicine traveling exhibitions!

When: April 20, 1:00pm Pacific Time, Noon Alaska Time, 2:00pm Mountain Time

How:  You can participate in this free, web-based interactive session from your desk with your computer and telephone.

  • Please click here https://webmeeting.nih.gov/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm to test your computer prior to the meeting. The diagnostic test will prompt you if you need to update Flash, check your connection speed and install an Adobe Connect add-in. If you have problems with these steps, please call your information technology department for help.
  • Go to the following website and login as a Guest, using your own name: https://webmeeting.nih.gov/rendezvous.
  • Once in the web meeting a pop-up box allows you to put in your phone number and the program will call you. If this does not happen call the 800 number and use the participant code given in the Notes box (lower left-hand corner) on the screen.

Image of the author ABOUT Carolyn Martin
Carolyn Martin is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for the NNLM Region 5. She works with various libraries and community organizations to increase health literacy in their communities.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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