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NN/LM & MLA Announce Availability of Distance Learning

Posted by on December 19th, 2006 Posted in: Training & Education

More opportunities to learn at your desktop! Try these FREE distance learning classes from NN/LM, available in 2007. Classes are led by an instructor and are asynchronous in delivery, allowing flexibility in adapting your schedule to training. Most are using open access software called Moodle as the platform. Moodle is a course management system similar to Blackboard or WebCT.

To register for any of these classes, please contact the instructor via e-mail. Registration will be held on a first-come, first-served basis. Classes will each be offered a minimum of two times in 2007.

Basics of Electronic Document Delivery
Description: This course will help health sciences library staff make decisions regarding whether to provide electronic document delivery, and what software and equipment should be acquired. It will also provide information on how to work with different file types and how to determine whether a library’s electronic publications can be used in electronic document delivery.
Instructor: Andrea Ryce (NN/LM Pacific Northwest Region)
E-Mail: rycea@u.washington.edu
Starting: February 2007
Length: Four weeks
Students: Currently limited to 10
MLA CE Contact Hours: to be determined
**February class full; registrations no longer being accepted**

Caring for the Mind: Providing Reference Services for Mental Health Information
Description: Participants will develop an increased awareness of mental health issues and cultivate their reference skills in the context of mental health information including enhanced knowledge of resources and ability to handle emotional patrons.
Instructor: Michelle Eberle (NN/LM New England Region)
E-Mail: michelle.eberle@umassmed.edu
Starting: February 2007
Length: Four weeks
Students: Currently limited to 10
MLA CE Contact Hours: to be determined
**February class full; registrations no longer being accepted**

From Snake Oil to Penicillin: Evaluating Consumer Health Information on the Internet
Description: This course will introduce participants to issues surrounding the quality of health information resources on the Internet. A set of recommended criteria to evaluate health information will be provided.
Instructor: Gail Kouame (NN/LM Pacific Northwest Region)
E-Mail: gmarie@u.washington.edu
Starting: February 2007
Length: Three weeks
Students: Currently limited to 10
MLA CE Contact Hours: to be determined
**February class full; registrations no longer being accepted**

¿No Comprende?
Description: This course covers resources for learning basic, library, medical, and Internet Spanish vocabulary, along with the evaluation and identification of health websites in Spanish.
Instructor: Sheila Snow-Croft (NN/LM Southeastern Atlantic Region)
E-Mail: ssnowcro@hshsl.umaryland.edu
Starting: February 2007
Length: Two Weeks
Students: Currently limited to 10
MLA CE Contact Hours: to be determined
**February class full; registrations no longer being accepted**

NLM Gateway
Description: This class is designed to teach students how to use the National Library of Medicine Gateway.
Instructor: Maureen Czujak (NN/LM National Training Center & Clearinghouse)
E-Mail: mczujak@nyam.org
Starting: March 2007
Length: 1/2 day
Students: Currently limited to 15
MLA CE Contact Hours: to be determined
**February class full; registrations no longer being accepted**

Nursing on the Net: Health Care Resources You Can Use
Description: This course is designed for librarians responsible for information services to the Nursing and Allied Health professions. Participants will learn to use and evaluate web based health information resources, find online news services, continuing online education courses, and consumer health web sites. Participants will also learn to use the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed and MedlinePlus databases.
Instructor: Tammy Mays (NN/LM Greater Midwest Region)
E-Mail: tmays@uic.edu
Starting: March, 2007
Length: Four weeks
Students: Currently limited to 10
MLA CE Contact Hours: to be determined
**February class full; registrations no longer being accepted**

Thinking Like An MBA: Time, Money, Resources, and Change Management in the Library
Description: As not-for-profit institutions adopt more business practices and processes, librarians need to be more knowledgeable about adapting to these current strategies. The class covers the basics of Project Management, its three components, time , money, and resources, as well as change management.
Instructor: Marty Magee (NN/LM Midcontinental Region)
E-Mail: mmagee@unmc.edu
Starting: Feb. 2007
Length: Four weeks
Students: Currently limited to 10
MLA CE Contact Hours: to be determined
**February class full; registrations no longer being accepted**

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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