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Region 5 Blog February 23rd, 2025
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PNR Staff News

Posted by on October 1st, 2014 Posted in: News From NNLM PNR


Mahria Lebow has accepted a new appointment at the University of Washington as Data Repository Librarian. Effective October 1, she will oversee the design and development of the UW Data Repository. This is a new initiative at UW Libraries, propelled in part by the Obama Administration memorandum on public access to the results of federally funded research and data.

Since May 2012, Mahria has served the region as the PNR Regional Technology Coordinator. She has provided numerous webinars, presentations and workshops, and staffed many exhibits at health and technology conferences to promote emerging technologies and emerging roles for librarians. Mahria also served on a planning committee for the Research Lifecycle: Partnering for Success Forum, a half-day event that was broadcast jointly via videoconference at the UW, the University of Utah and Oregon Health & Science University. She developed a study to evaluate participant experience with a distance learning tool she used to introduce and explore iPads in a closed online sharing platform. Mahria also served on a multi-library planning group that hosted the Science Boot Camp West for 92 participants in Seattle in July 2014. As part of the boot camp, Mahria co-taught a half-day workshop on Data Librarianship, which was very well received.

Please join me in congratulating Mahria and wishing her continued success in her new position!

Image of the author ABOUT Cathy Burroughs
Cathy Burroughs, MLS, is Executive Director of the Network of the National Library of Medicine, Region 5

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