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Region 5 Blog March 11th, 2025
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PNR Weekly Digest: June 16, 2020

Posted by on June 16th, 2020 Posted in: Blog

Items regarding COVID-19 information are indicated with an *

Professional Development:

NNLM CE Opportunities:
NNLM offers training on a variety of topics related to health information. A complete listing of NNLM educational opportunities is available. Please note you need to create an NNLM account prior to registration if you don’t already have one. This is not the same as being a member of NNLM.  Learn how to register for classes and create a free account.

*Still Searching for One Health: Information Services that Support Prevention of Emerging Zoonotic Disease: We have long known that 75% of emerging diseases begin at the human-animal interface. RNA viruses including HIV, SARS, novel influenza strains and COVID-19 all trace their origins to animal reservoirs and environmental factors. What role can information specialists play in developing sustainable One Health cultures and mindsets at local, regional, national and international levels? Attend this PNR Rendezvous session to learn more. June 17 at 1:00 p.m. PT. (1 MLA CE) Register

Searching LactMed and LiverTox for Drug Effects: This webinar will give a brief introduction to Bookshelf, LactMed and LiverTox. Using sample search requests from practicing health sciences librarians, we will explore these databases for information on:

  • Substance Use Disorder and the effects of harm reduction medications on lactation and the nursing infant.
  • Risk of acetaminophen toxicity and polypharmacy for the geriatric population.

June 23 at 10:00 a.m. PT. (1 MLA CE) Register

Food for Thought: Exploring Nutrition Information Resources: Join us for a 4 week, self-paced, online course on nutrition information resources available through reliable resources such as the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the National Library of Medicine (NLM). Class runs from July 6 – 31. (4 MLA CE) Register

How PubMed Works: NNLM National Training Office is offering the How PubMed Works series in July. Each session is 90-minutes and offers 1.5 MLA CE. Register for each separate session:

Additional Educational Opportunities:
These learning opportunities are provided by organizations beyond NNLM. All are free unless otherwise indicated.

Advancing Racial Equity Webinar Series: American Public Health Association (APHA) is hosting this webinar series to give an in-depth look at racism as a driving force of the social determinants of health and equity. The series will explore efforts to address systems, policies and practices designed to limit and shape opportunities for people of color. Presenters will highlight collective and individual actions we can take to advance racial equity and justice. Visit the website for more information about this series.

*Health Literacy Response to COVID-19: Never before has the need for health literacy been so critical. Please join the International Health Literacy Association for a webinar series on COVID-19, where leading international health literacy experts will discuss the global impact of the pandemic and offer health literacy solutions. First session is: From “Infodemic” to “Empowerment”, June 19 from 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. PT, Register

*Training and Technical Assistance Related to COVID-19: SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) is committed to providing regular training and technical assistance (TTA) on matters related to the mental and substance use disorder field as they deal with COVID-19. View the updated available TTA resources and training to assist with the current situation.

News from the National Library of Medicine & National Institutes of Health:

“The NIH Preprint Pilot: A New Experiment for a New Era”, from the NLM Director’s blog

*NLM Announces NIH Preprint Pilot to Provide Early Access to COVID-19 Research

Revealing Data: Dr. James Herrick and the 1918 Influenza Epidemic

*“Searching for Ways to Prevent Life-Threatening Blood Clots in COVID-19”, from the NIH Director’s blog

NIH launches preprint pilot to expand discovery of NIH-funded research

*Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADx): NIH calls for research to expand COVID-19 testing for underserved populations

*NIH researchers identify key genomic features that could differentiate SARS-CoV-2 from other coronaviruses that cause less severe disease

*New NCBI SARS-CoV-2 Resources Page

‘To Walk in the Beauty Way’: Treating Opioid Use Disorder in Native Communities

PhenX Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Assessments Collection

“The TRUST Principles for Digital Repositories” Published in Scientific Data

Request for Information Seeks Public Input on Use of Cloud Resources and New File Formats for Sequence Read Archive Data, submissions due July 17

*Resources from the Disaster Information Management Research Center:


*Resources: COVID-19:

*ALA’s IFC Approves New Guidelines on Contact Tracing, Reopening Libraries, Video Surveillance
Responding to health and privacy concerns during the reopening of libraries and recent discussions of video surveillance and filming in libraries, the Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) and its Privacy Subcommittee have approved guidelines to assist library workers: “Guidelines for Reopening Libraries During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Guidelines on Contact Tracing, Health Checks, and Library Users’ Privacy” and “Video Surveillance in the Library Guidelines.”

*HHS Initiatives to Address the Disparate Impact of COVID-19 on African Americans and Other Racial and Ethnic Minorities
HHS has released a fact sheet that outlines some activities underway to improve prevention, testing and treatment of COVID-19 among minority populations and reduce racial and ethnic disparities. It includes information on initiatives on data collection, making treatment more accessible and affordable, tailored guidance for individuals and communities most at risk, expanding telehealth options and strengthening COVID-19 outreach and communications.

Beyond Plight: Defining Pathways to Optimal Development for Black Men and Boys Across the Life Course
The Association of Black Foundation Executives published a report that offers organizations and other stakeholders a framework of five primary protective factors that influence the development of Black male youth. These factors include culturally responsive service systems, a positive community environment, caregiver competencies, positive social networks and a positive economic environment. The report offers recommendations for organizations and other stakeholders who work with male children, adolescents, young adults and adults.

Responsible Fatherhood: Resources from the Field
The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse, an ACF Office of Family Assistance resource center, has developed a toolkit intended for fatherhood programs. These programs help fathers create loving, nurturing relationships with their children and encourage them to be actively involved in their lives. The toolkit draws on lessons learned and resources used by fatherhood programs in diverse locales throughout the nation.

June is LGBTQ Pride Month
June has been a time to acknowledge a positive stance against discrimination and violence toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer /questioning (LGBTQ) people to promote their self-affirmation, dignity, equality rights, increase their visibility as a social group, build community, and celebrate sexual diversity and gender variance. LGBTQ Pride Month is also a time to bring awareness to the experiences of the LGBTQ community. LGBTQ youth are routinely harassed because of their sexual orientation. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) has compiled a list of helpful resources for parents and caregivers, children and teens, mental health providers, child welfare and juvenile justice professionals, healthcare providers, educators and school staff, and policy makers.

*Two elite medical journals retract coronavirus papers over data integrity questions
In the first big research scandal of the COVID-19 era, The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) retracted two high-profile papers after a company declined to make the underlying data for both available for an independent audit, following questions being raised about the research. Read more in the Science article

Washington Medical Librarians Association online business/networking meeting
WMLA has cancelled its annual conference due to COVID-19 and has scheduled an online business meeting and networking opportunity. Also, renew your membership and WMLA welcomes new members who are working in health information for biomedical personnel, patients, students, and the public. The online event is June 26 from 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. PT. Learn more on the WMLA website

Image of the author ABOUT Carolyn Martin
Carolyn Martin is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for the NNLM Region 5. She works with various libraries and community organizations to increase health literacy in their communities.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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