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Region 5 Blog February 22nd, 2025
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PNR Weekly Digest: June 30, 2020

Posted by on June 30th, 2020 Posted in: PNR Weekly Digest

Items regarding COVID-19 information are indicated with an *

Professional Development:

NNLM CE Opportunities:
NNLM offers training on a variety of topics related to health information. A complete listing of NNLM educational opportunities is available. Please note you need to create an NNLM account prior to registration if you don’t already have one. This is not the same as being a member of NNLM.  Learn how to register for classes and create a free account

*NNLM Reading Club Presents… The Digital Doctor in the Age of COVID-19: Join Dr. Robert Wachter, author of The Digital Doctor: Hope, Hype, and Harm at the Dawn of Medicine’s Computer Age, as he discusses how digital health and health technology have evolved since his book was published in 2015 and what patients need to know in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. July 14 at 12:00 p.m. PT. (1 MLA CE) Register

Using the Community Tool Box to support health education and health promotion efforts: The Community Tool Box is a web site that serves as a significant source of information, training and tools for community health improvement worldwide. This webinar will provide an overview of the contents of the web site and our approach, with relevant examples from communities in the USA and elsewhere. July 15 at 1:00 p.m. PT. (1 MLA CE) Register

Food Literacy for Families, Libraries, and Communities: South Carolina Read Eat Grow: Discover how the South Carolina State Library is supporting public library programming statewide with an expanded focus on health literacy. July 16 at 10:00 a.m. PT. (1 MLA CE) Register

Part 1: Citizen Science in the Academic Library: Academic libraries can bring citizen science to the campus and to the community, whether through supporting the integration of citizen science into courses or by bridging the gaps between researchers, students, and community members. This two-part webinar series will introduce attendees to citizen science, provide tips and best practices for getting started and sustaining citizen science on campus, and showcase resources that can be integrated into citizen science efforts. July 24 at 12:00 p.m. PT. (1 MLA CE) Register

Additional Educational Opportunities:
These learning opportunities are provided by organizations beyond NNLM. All are free unless otherwise indicated.

Aliens in Arizona, the Bermuda Triangle, and Area 13: Answering Controversial Questions From Our Users, Calming Fears, and Promoting Government Information as Reliable and Accurate: Some users are skeptical of or frightened by Government information. For other users, a family member or friend believes they have been mistreated by a Government agency. Often, immigrants come from countries where their government cannot be trusted, and they bring their mistrust with them to the United States. How can we answer these questions truthfully but with care and compassion for our users? This FDLP webinar will cover some of the strange questions that we actually have been asked as Government information specialists. July 16 at 11:00 a.m. PT. Register

Global Environmental Health Day- “Science at the Cutting Edge of Global Environmental Change and Health.”: Global Environmental Health Day will serve as an opportunity to bring together a global community of colleagues to explore areas of interest and discuss new ideas, to form collaborations and share common goals. This year’s speakers will emphasize climate and other global environmental changes and their associated health impacts. July 1. Visit the event webpage for more information and to register for this National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences event.

Culture is Prevention: The National Hispanic and Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) and the National American Indian and Alaskan Native PTTC virtual learning sessions will address culturally and linguistically appropriate prevention services for AI/ANs and Latinxs.

News from the National Library of Medicine & National Institutes of Health:

*” NIH One Step Closer to Speeding Delivery of COVID-19 Testing Technologies to Those Who Need It Most Through RADx-UP”, from the NLM Director’s blog

The New and Improved PubMed® — We Are Listening

*Improved access to SARS-CoV-2 data

*New viral protein domain models for annotation of coronaviruses

*New GenBank submission options for SARS-CoV-2 submitters

How We Help the Body Breathe

*”Swimming with the High-Tech Sharks to Improve COVID-19 Testing”, from the NIH Director’s blog

NIH-funded study to recruit thousands of participants to reveal exercise impact at the molecular level

NIH Figshare Instance Pilot to Conclude July 15

*Resources from the Disaster Information Management Research Center:


*Resources: COVID-19:

Medical Library Association, MLA ’20 vConference and Exhibits General Information
The MLA in-person conference has been cancelled and instead offers an invitation to participate in a groundbreaking, exciting, and interactive experience designed by your 2020 National Program Committee and MLA team. Th conference kicks off July 27 and runs through August 14. Visit the conference webpage to learn more about the conference and register

*Social Isolation and Health
Social distancing mandates in winter and spring of 2020 have helped to reduce the spread of COVID-19. These measures have also brought increased attention to the well-established negative effects on morbidity and mortality that social isolation can cause. This brief is part of the Health Affairs’ ongoing series of policy briefs on social determinants of health. Learn more and access the briefs.

Fireworks Safety
Fireworks are synonymous with our celebration of Independence Day. Remember, fireworks can be dangerous, causing serious burn and eye injuries. Help prevent fireworks-related injuries and deaths by working with a national, state or local organization where you live to promote fireworks safety in your community. Get some safety tips and learn more on the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission website

Fact Sheets: LGBT Wellness
The Network for Health Equity’s LGBT HealthLink has developed several fact sheets that offer LGBT-specific information for health care professionals and consumers of health. Fact sheets are available for the following topics: cultural competence, cancer and tobacco use.

Toolkit: Advancing the Uptake and Use of PrEP in Indian Country
The NIHB has compiled a PrEP toolkit that explores ways in which AI/AN Tribes, Tribal organizations, community members, leaders and service providers can build relationships and strengthen the systems needed to incorporate PrEP into medical practice, social norms and community culture. It also provides tools, language and conversation starters to bring PrEP into a community.

#WellChildWednesdays Social Media Campaign Encourages Parents & HRSA Stakeholders to Keep Up with Pediatric Checkups and Immunizations
Fewer children are receiving timely immunizations this year compared to last year. To encourage parents and stakeholders to keep up with these important well-child visits and immunizations, HRSA (HHS Health Resources and Services Administration)launched a new social media campaign with the hashtag #WellChildWednesdays. Each Wednesday for four weeks, messages will address well-visits, immunizations, adolescent and young adult care, and nutrition, safety, and mental health as topics to be discussed with pediatric providers. The first message already posted, and more messages will appear on Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #WellChildWednesdays. Please share, retweet, and promote #WellChildWednesdays to help us to amplify this important message.

*Training: Every Contact Counts: Contact Tracing for Public Health Professionals
This Northwest Center for Public Health Practice training, intended for public health professionals and volunteers who are interested in becoming contact tracers, covers basics such as the important role contact tracers have in protecting the public, criteria that determine whether someone is a potential contact, the key components of a successful contact tracing interview and how to conduct contact tracing interviews with professionalism and sensitivity. Learn more about this training

Image of the author ABOUT Carolyn Martin
Carolyn Martin is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for the NNLM Region 5. She works with various libraries and community organizations to increase health literacy in their communities.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

NNLM and NETWORK OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE are service marks of the US Department of Health and Human Services | Copyright | HHS Vulnerability Disclosure | Download PDF Reader