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Region 5 Blog February 22nd, 2025
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PNR Weekly Digest: November 24, 2020

Posted by on November 24th, 2020 Posted in: PNR Weekly Digest

Items regarding COVID-19 information are indicated with an *

In the Dragonfly:

Announcing the NNLM PSR BIPOC LIS Student Professional Development Award: We are pleased to share this guest post by Nora Franco, NNLM Pacific Southwest Region Consumer Health Librarian about a funding opportunity dedicated to Library and Information Science (LIS) students who identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color (BIPOC) and who reside in any NNLM region. Please spread the word and contact psr-nnlm@library.ucla.edu for… Read More »

Professional Development:

NNLM CE Opportunities:
NNLM offers training on a variety of topics related to health information. A complete listing of NNLM educational opportunities is available. Please note you need to create an NNLM account prior to registration if you don’t already have one. This is not the same as being a member of NNLM.  Learn how to register for clases and create a free account

Library Carpentry Workshop: The NNLM Training Office is pleased to announce a new opportunity for information professionals to build data skills through online Library Carpentry workshops, at no cost to participants. 5 workshops will be offered October through January. This course is eligible for 20 continuing education credits through the Medical Library Association. Applications and more information available here. Questions can be directed to nto@utah.edu

NNLM Resource Picks: Public Programming and NLM Traveling Exhibitions:  This December, join Julie Botnick of the NLM to learn more about public programming and NLM traveling exhibitions.  December 2nd at 12 p.m. PT. (1 MLA CE) Register

PNR Rendezvous: Better on the Outside After Being Inside – Improving Health Literacy and Self Care for Incarcerated Persons: This presentation describes findings from an Information Resource Grant to Reduce Health Disparities project, funded by the National Library of Medicine. The project aims to engage justice-involved individuals with health education to enhance their knowledge and use of health services and resources. This project won the Frank Bradway Rogers Health Information Advancement Award from the Medical Library Association in 2020. December 9th at 1 p.m. PT (1 MLA CE) Register

Better than Best Practices: Inclusive Data Visualization: Data visualization design “best practices” often do not prioritize (or outright reject) efforts to be inclusive. Libraries have an opportunity to step into the world of data visualization and empower historically marginalized voices in data creation and sharing. This webinar will explore the intersections of equity, inclusion, accessibility, and data visualization to consider who we’re visualizing for, what we’re visualizing, and how and why we’re visualizing it.  December 10th at 11 a.m. PT (1 MLA CE) Register

Citizen Science and Libraries: Help Develop RNA-based Medicines Online Presentation and Q & A: Eterna invites contributors to become RNA scientists. Contributors solve puzzles to design specialized RNA-based medicines and sensors, receive feedback after their designs are built and tested in a lab at Stanford, and work together to build knowledge about how RNA works. December 16th at 11 a.m. PT (1.5 MLA CE) Register

Additional Educational Opportunities:
These learning opportunities are provided by organizations beyond NNLM. All are free unless otherwise indicated.

Call for Applications to the MLA Research Training Institute (RTI):  The Medical Library Association (MLA) Research Training Institute (RTI) is a unique, highly-effective, and collaborative online research training and support program. The RTI ‘21 immerses practicing librarians in scholarly research, inquiry, and publishing. Librarians of all levels of professional experience and types of work environments who provide health information, services, and support and who have an interest in increasing their research skills and confidence and want to improve library and health care outcomes, are encouraged to apply to the RTI program. The institute is a one-year online program that consists of a series of online modules in advanced research methods, mentoring by faculty experts and peer coaches, preparing and implementing a research project, and an opportunity to present findings at the MLA ‘22 virtual conference. RTI ‘21 features an expanded research curriculum and greater affordability and flexibility for participants. Learn more about RTI program details. Deadline to apply is January 4, 2021. Fees apply

Centering Native Voices: Engagement, Knowledge, and Participation for Prevention from Indigenous Communities: Health Promotion Practice, a journal of the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE), curated a collection of articles focusing on health promotion in AI/AN communities: “Centering Native Voices: Engagement, Knowledge, and Participation for Prevention from Indigenous Communities”. The papers in this Special Collection highlight collaborative, participatory strategies developed in and with AI/AN communities on topics as diverse as youth substance use prevention, community food insecurity, HIV activism and commercial tobacco use. Papers are available for free download November 15 – 30, 2021.

News from the National Library of Medicine & National Institutes of Health:

BLAST+ 2.11.0 now available with limited usage reporting to help improve BLAST

NLM Director’s Blog: Dr Isaac Kohane – Making Our Data Work for Us!

New CORE Problem List Subset of SNOMED-CT Available for Download

NIH to fund research of racial disparities in pregnancy – related complications and deaths

Study of “exceptional responders” yields clues to cancer and potential treatments

New NIH BRAIN Initiative awards move toward solving brain disorders

* NIH expands research to improve COVID-19 testing among underserved and vulnerable populations

Injectable birth control may increase blood lead levels in African American women

CDC Expands US Diabetes Surveillance System with new Social Determinants of Health Module

50.6 Million US Adults Currently Use Tobacco Products

FDA Releases New Outbreak Investigation Table

FDA Approves First Treatment for Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome and Some Progeroid Laminopathies

Applications are being accepted until January 28, 2021 for the NLM Associate Fellowship program for librarians

*COVID-19 Travel Health Notice Levels and Testing for International Travelers


*Join the National COVID-19 Resiliency Network (NCRN)
The HHS Office of Minority Health (OMH) is working with the Morehouse School of Medicine through a cooperative agreement to develop a national network of state, territorial, tribal and local public and community-based organizations to help address the impact of COVID-19 among racial and ethnic minority populations. Morehouse School of Medicine established the National COVID-19 Resiliency Network (NCRN) which will share important messages and linkages to healthcare and social services in communities across the nation and in areas hardest hit by the pandemic. OMH invites organizations and individuals across the country to be a part of this initiative. To sign up for updates and become a part of this effort, please visit the NCRN website.

Compassion in Action – A Guide for Faith Communities
The HHS Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives Compassion in Action: A Guide for Faith Communities Serving People Experiencing Mental Illness and Their Caregivers seeks to help faith leaders from all religious and spiritual traditions, as well as their congregants and community-based organizations, increase awareness and build capacity to serve people in their midst experiencing mental illness, and to care for their family or caregivers.

Worldwide Social Media Event: Rock your Mocs
November is Native American Heritage Month. As part of this national observance, OMH invites you to Rock Your Mocs throughout November 15-21. Rock Your Mocs is a week-long social media event that offers American Indian/Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) a positive opportunity to be united and celebrate tribal individuality by wearing moccasins. The event honors ancestors and indigenous peoples worldwide. Use the hashtag #ROCKYOURMOCS 

*Best Practices for American Indian and Alaska Native Data Collection
Current standard data collection practices by many federal, state, and local entities effectively omit or misclassify American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations, both urban and rural. This is particularly concerning in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic as these current standards of practice are resulting in a gross under count of the impact COVID-19 has on Native people. Learn about best practices by downloading Best Practices for American Indian and Alaska Native Data Collection

#WhiteCoatsForBlackLives — Addressing Physicians’ Complicity in Criminalizing Communities
A recent commentary in the New England Journal of Medicine takes a look at the role of physicians in contributing to health inequities and the continued racism of the medical and legal systems.

Hate-Motivated Behavior: Impacts, Risk Factors, And Interventions
A recent Health Affairs policy brief states that hate-motivated behavior is a public health threat with structural, interpersonal, and individual antecedents and effects. There is a need for interdisciplinary, multilevel research to better understand the causes of such behavior and to test prevention strategies and interventions.

New Interactive “Family Health: Understanding Family Health History”
November is Family Health History month and we are celebrating by presenting a brand new interactive “Family Health: Understanding Family Health History.” Learn about what family health history is, why it is important, and how to record it.

*Similarities and Differences between Flu and COVID-19
Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. COVID-19 is caused by infection with a new coronavirus (called SARS-CoV-2) and flu is caused by infection with influenza viruses. There are some key differences between flu and COVID-19.

*COVID-19 Multilingual Resource Hub
The UCLA Asian American Studies Center, in partnership with the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and the UCLA Institute of American Cultures, has created the COVID-19 Multilingual Resource Hub, which includes resources in Vietnamese, Swahili, Somali, Hmong, Spanish, Chinese, Chukese and more.

Image of the author ABOUT Carolyn Martin
Carolyn Martin is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for the NNLM Region 5. She works with various libraries and community organizations to increase health literacy in their communities.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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