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Region 5 Blog March 28th, 2025
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Translational Research and Information Lab (TRAIL)

Posted by on December 20th, 2016 Posted in: Data Science, News from Network Members, News From NNLM PNR


This is a guest post from Emily Patridge, Assistant Director of Clinical Research and Data Services, TRAIL Program Manager, University of Washington Health Sciences Library. We welcome guest posts in Dragonfly. Please contact Patricia Devine if interested.

In early December 2016, the University of Washington’s Health Sciences Library, in partnership with the Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS), UW Medicine Research Information Technology (RIT), and the Pacific Northwest Region of the National Network of National Libraries of Medicine (PNR), launched an exciting new initiative, the Translational Research and Information Lab (TRAIL).

TRAIL’s vision is to help accelerate healthcare research through tools, team science and applications, and the initiative includes three main purposes:

  • Provide an idea incubator space for investigators using data and technology.
  • Provide access to tools and information to facilitate learning, discovery and innovation.
  • Promote workshops and conferences to foster multidisciplinary team science.

TRAIL staff will provide triage and consultations on research data management tools such as RedCap, population health consultations, and data visualization tools such as Tableau.

Located on the second floor of the Health Sciences Library, this state of the art idea incubator space includes a six monitor data wall and computer tower, an Amazon Echo, whiteboards, and videoconferencing equipment. Seating is informal and designed for small groups of up to 20 people, although the room can host up to 50 attendees if necessary.

The space is open to researchers and investigators affiliated with the University of Washington, including NN/LM PNR Network members working in collaboration with these groups. Unaffiliated groups can also rent the space for an hourly fee. If you are interested in learning more about how to reserve this new resource, please contact Research and Data Coordinators, Ann Madhavan or Ann Glusker, or TRAIL Program Manager, and Emily Patridge.


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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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