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Region 5 Blog March 6th, 2025
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Upcoming Moodle class: Combatting Information Fatigue: Health Information Resources for Veterans

Posted by on April 3rd, 2015 Posted in: Health Literacy, News From NNLM PNR, Training & Education

Are you working in the public library or a community organization with a health information aspect?  Do you feel you lack the knowledge to run a health reference service?  Do you offer a patient education service in your hospital library?  The PNR office if offering a series of Moodle classes in the next twelve months on consumer health information.  Starting April 13, Combatting Information Fatigue: Health Information Resources for Veterans – PNR, is the first class offered.  This Moodle class is self-directed with online discussion as well as readings and exercises. This class starts soon and it lasts only three weeks so sign up now.  For more information about this class read below:

Combatting Information Fatigue: Health Information Resources for Veterans – PNR (3 MLA CE)

Dates: Monday, April 13- Monday, May 4

Veterans and their families need reliable health information resources and training to locate health information that is sensitive and pertinent to their needs. This course will cover resources for finding information on general health conditions, mental health resources including those for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), family issues, substance abuse, amputations, support groups and more. Additionally, this class will prepare participants to find and assess other veterans’ health resources.


  • Understand the unique information needs of veterans and their families
  • Utilize resources presented to locate reliable, authoritative health information specific to veterans
  • Acquire skills and knowledge to effectively identify and assess resources not covered in the class

The other upcoming consumer health classes offered by the PNR will be Health Issues in the Headlines, The ABCs of DNA, and Health on the Range. These four Moodle classes have an additional bonus.  The Medical Library Association (MLA) offers a certification in Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS). Twelve approved MLA CHIS CEs are all that is needed for the first level of this certification.  The four Moodle classes offered by PNR all qualify so you can apply for this certification at the end of this series. Remember, the classes are free, self-directed, with no travel required. Sign up today for this first one.

The information in these classes will better prepare you for your patron and client questions regarding their health with trusted and authoritative information resources.  This information is valuable for websites, handouts, newsletters, social media, workshops, and more. Keep checking our calendar and blog for upcoming classes.

Image of the author ABOUT Carolyn Martin
Carolyn Martin is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for the NNLM Region 5. She works with various libraries and community organizations to increase health literacy in their communities.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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