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Region 5 Blog December 18th, 2024
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UW iSchool Directed Field Work Experience

Posted by on March 14th, 2014 Posted in: News From NNLM PNR

Guest post by Stephanie Hanson, UW iSchool Directed Field work student.

HansonI just completed a Directed Field Work assignment with the gracious staff of the NN/LM PNR at the University of Washington Health Sciences library. The UW iSchool Directed Field Work program offers MLIS students the chance to participate in experiential learning opportunities with different libraries and employers for credit towards the graduate degree.

While at the NN/LM PNR, I had the chance to attend Morning Report sessions to observe the resident learning process, work at the Health Sciences Library Information Desk, create a LibGuide, learn about the Moodle online class creation process, research NLM funding for MLA projects, and learn about outreach project funding, as well as interview librarians about their work.

I currently work in a hospital medical library and this was really a great chance to expand my knowledge of the many resources that the National Library of Medicine offers to library members and the public. I’d like to thank all the staff at the NN/LM PNR and the HSL for making me feel welcome and sharing their expertise with me.Stephanie Hanson, email: sbh22@uw.edu.

Image of the author ABOUT Patricia Devine
Medical Librarian, Network Outreach Coordinator, NN/LM, PNR. I work for a network of libraries and organizations with an interest in health information.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

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