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Region 5 Blog February 23rd, 2025
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Weekly Digest: September 22, 2020

Posted by on September 22nd, 2020 Posted in: PNR Weekly Digest

Weekly Digest – September 22nd, 2020

Items regarding COVID-19 information are indicated with an *

In the Dragonfly:

DataFlash: Library Carpentry Workshops with NNLM (Informational Session)

The NNLM Training Office is pleased to announce a new opportunity for information professionals to build data skills through online Library Carpentry workshops, at no cost to participants. Library Carpentry<https://librarycarpentry.org/about/> focuses on building software and data skills within library and information-related communities. Their goal is to empower people in these roles to use software and…read more about Library Carpentry Workshops on the blog

October is Medical Librarians Month AND Health Literacy Month!

Please join the NNLM in celebrating Medical Librarians Month and Health Literacy Month!  Learn about a contest and prizes we have for YOU to celebrate!

Announcing *new* NNLM PNR Funding Opportunity for COVID Health Information Outreach

During the COVID-19 pandemic, communities have a greater need than ever for access to high-quality electronic information resources, and the NNLM PNR wants to help. Learn about a *new* NNLM PNR COVID-19 Health Information Outreach Award.

Professional Development:

NNLM CE Opportunities:

NNLM offers training on a variety of topics related to health information. A complete listing of NNLM educational opportunities is available. Please note you need to create an NNLM account prior to registration if you don’t already have one. This is not the same as being a member of NNLM.  Learn how to register for classes and create a free account

Operationalizing the CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance in Research Data Management: Learn more about how CARE principles apply to FAIR data sharing principles as you learn more about responsible data sharing with the co-founder of the Global Indigenous Data Alliance (GIDA), Dr. Stephanie Russo-Carroll.  Join this innovative webinar session on September 24th at 11:00 a.m. PT. (1 MLA CE) Register

#CiteNLM Wikipedia Edit-a-thon Training: This October, join the Network of the National Library of Medicine for the Fall 2020 #CiteNLM Edit-a-thon as we add citations to Wikipedia articles on maternal & child health using trusted National Library of Medicine resources LactMed, MedlinePlus, PubMed, and more. To prepare, join this hands-on training session. September 25 at 11:00 a.m. PT. (1 MLA CE) Register

Citizen Science and Libraries – Advance Alzheimer’s Research Online Presentation and Q&A:  Citizen Science and Libraries is a 4-part webinar series that feature citizen science knowledge experts who will speak about their respective citizen science projects.  Join Dr. Pietro Michelucci discuss and explain the very popular citizen science project “Stall Catchers” on September 30th at 11:00 a.m. PT. (1 MLA CE)  Register

The Charts are Off: Approaches to Ethical Decision-Making in Data Visualization:  Learn how to make your data visualizations more ethical and transparent.  Join NYU’s Fred LaPolla and Nicole Contaxis on October 22nd at 11:00 a.m. PT.  (1 MLA CE) Register

How PubMed® Works: How PubMed Works is a series of four 90-minute classes presented via WebEx. The individual classes are:

October 1, How PubMed Works: Introduction
October 8, How PubMed Works: Selection
October 15, How PubMed Works: MeSH (Medical Subject Headings)
October 22, How PubMed Works: ATM (Automatic Term Mapping)

Register for each class separately. Each class is eligible for 1.5 MLA CE credits.

Additional Educational Opportunities:

These learning opportunities are provided by organizations beyond NNLM. All are free unless otherwise indicated.

Systematic Searching: Improving Effectiveness and Efficiency: Are you struggling with ever-more complicated systematic review searches? Do you have a basic knowledge of Boolean operators, thesaurus terms, and syntax and want to raise your search game? This webinar will give you guidance on creating high-quality searches in a faster way. Bramer and associates have taught his method at several filled-to-capacity annual meeting courses. NNLM PNR will provide access for our network members to this Medical Library Association webinar with limited number of CE availability. Please contact us at nnlmpnr@uw.edu for access. September 24 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PT. Learn more about the webinar at the MLA website

Focus on Aging: Federal Partners’ Webinar Series: This webinar series will address important topics for public health and health care professionals, aging services organizations, the research community, and other stakeholders in aging. The series is a joint project of four of the federal agencies that support the health and wellness of older adults in the U.S. In addition to general topics of interest for older adults and those who work with them, each webinar will include information specific to individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia, as well as their caregivers. First session is on Social Isolation and Loneliness, Sept. 28 from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PT. Learn more about the series

One Step at a Time: How Libraries Can Promote Healthy, Thriving, and Livable Communities: This WebJunction webinar will highlight the multiple benefits of walking and walkable communities and how libraries can help lead community efforts. October 22 at 12:00 p.m. PT. Register

News from the National Library of Medicine & National Institutes of Health:

Women in Tech at NIH: Togetherness Enables Transformation

MedlinePlus to Become the NLM Home for Information in Multiple Languages

*NIH funds community engagement research efforts in areas hardest hit by COVID-19

*NIH awards contracts to develop innovative digital health technologies for COVID-19

Vaping, marijuana use in 2019 rose in college-age adults

NIH public-private partnership to advance early interventions for schizophrenia

*Dr. Collins joins ABC News’ Vaccine Watch to provide an update on COVID-19 vaccine developments

New CDC data finds adult obesity is increasing

*Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Daily Roundup for September 21, 2020

*Healthcare Workers: N95 and Other Respirators

*COVID-19 Contact Tracing Communications Toolkit for Health Departments

*Colleges, Universities, and Higher Learning: Plan, Prepare, and Respond

*Monitoring and Evaluation Checklist for K-12 Schools

*Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Schools and Childcare Programs: Plan, Prepare, and Respond


*Contact Tracing
The CDC has created a Contact Tracing webpage that includes guidance, resources for health departments, a COVIDTracer Tool, training, FAQs and a communications toolkit. The CDC has also released a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report that provides data on COVID-19 among American Indian and Alaska Native Persons – 23 States, January 31-July 3, 2020

*Food Safety and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has compiled a list of resources on Food Safety and COVID-19 that includes information for consumers, retail food establishments, the food service industry, food facilities and farms. Resources are available in English and Spanish.



Image of the author ABOUT Nancy Shin
I received my Bachelor of Science in the Integrated Sciences majoring in medical genetics and animal biology from the University of British Columbia (UBC). I also graduated from UBC's esteemed MLIS program with a focus on health librarianship. In 2018, I was the Research Data Management Sewell Fund Fellow for the Technology Incubator at Washington State University. Currently, I'm the NNLM Region 5's Outreach and Data Coordinator for the University of Washington's Health Sciences Library. In my spare time, I enjoy photography, drawing, cooking and baking, and travelling the world!!!

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

NNLM and NETWORK OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE are service marks of the US Department of Health and Human Services | Copyright | HHS Vulnerability Disclosure | Download PDF Reader