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Region 5 Blog February 23rd, 2025
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What’s Your Story? Find it at Montana Libraries

Posted by on March 20th, 2006 Posted in: News From NNLM PNR

The Montana State Library is conducting a multi-year campaign: “What’s Your Story? Find it at the Library.” Montana’s rapidly growing senior citizen population is the target market for 2006, and NN/LM PNR Montana Network Members are invited to get involved.

What's Your Story?

The Montana Libraries “What’s Your Story?” campaign originated to help remind Montanans of the value of Montana libraries to the communities they serve. A group of Montana librarians, representing communities big and small, east and west, and all types of libraries, came together to try to articulate what was needed to help their peers do a great job of promoting themselves to the large number of patrons they serve.

* Create Fast Facts for your Library

Montana is home to a rapidly-growing senior citizen population, and because Montana libraries have witnessed an increase in the number of seniors utilizing their programming, services, and collections, the committee elected to spend the first year of the campaign targeting Montana’s senior citizens. This year the NN/LM PNR is a partner in the campaign and our Montana Network Members have the opportunity to use their health information expertise to assist their public librarian colleagues by providing information on reputable print sources and web sites such as:


They can also put up a campaign poster in their library (see below). It’s free!

Are you a Montana Network Member (search the NN/LM Members Directory) who would like to take part in this campaign? If yes – please email Andrea Ryce for more information.

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Developed resources reported in this program are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH) under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012343 with the University of Washington.

NNLM and NETWORK OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE are service marks of the US Department of Health and Human Services | Copyright | HHS Vulnerability Disclosure | Download PDF Reader