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November is National Diabetes Month

Posted by on November 6th, 2023 Posted in: Blog

November is National Diabetes Month

Whether you’re a diabetes patient, a friend or family member of someone with diabetes, a health professional, librarian, or just curious to learn more about diabetes, we hope you’ll find the following list of resources useful.  It includes information about diabetes, tools for self management, tips for preventing complications, and more.


Medline Plus: Diabetes

Medline Plus has information on type 1 diabetestype 2 diabetesprediabetes, and gestational diabetes. Find information about symptoms, tests, possible complications, prevention, diet, medicines, treatments, genetics, statistics, and more.


American Diabetes Association

The American Diabetes Association is a comprehensive resource for diabetes information. Their page includes information about devices & technology, common terms, statistics, life with diabetes, food & nutrition, health & wellness, and tools & resources. It includes tests & calculators, a consumer guide, and a section on managing health care costs.


Taking Charge of Tomorrow: Preventing Diabetes Health Problems

This year’s focus for National Diabetes Month is on taking action to prevent diabetes health problems. This page has tips and a short video for getting started.


Managing Diabetes

This page has tips for managing diabetes and coping with diabetes in healthy ways. Learn about diabetes ABCs, following a diabetes meal plan, making physical activity part of your routine, taking medicine, checking your blood glucose levels, and working with your health care team.


4 Steps to Manage Your Diabetes for Life

Written in plain language, this booklet shows actions you can take to manage your diabetes.


Changing Your Habits for Better Health

Adapting new, healthy habits can be hard. Sometimes it takes a while before changes become new habits. This page from the National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney and Digestive Diseases has information on the four stages you may go through when changing your health habits or behavior, as well as tips to help you advance through the stages and improve your eating, physical activity habits, and overall health.


Diabetes and Mental Health

Understand how diabetes impacts mental health, get tips on how to simplify your life, and find specific resources for dealing with mental health challenges that can accompany a diabetes diagnosis.



Monitoring is an important aspect of diabetes self-care. This page from the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists has information on monitoring blood pressure, weight, cholesterol levels, heart health, sleep, mood, medications, and eye, kidney, and foot health, and a discussion guide to speak with your diabetes care team about tracking your important diabetes information. It includes handouts in Chinese, French, Spanish, and Tagalog.


Diabetes Food Hub 

This is a database of diabetes friendly recipes that include nutrition information. It Includes a meal planner, a grocery list feature, and recipes in Spanish. You can search for specific ingredients or dishes and exclude ingredients you don’t want. You can also filter by nutrition features (i.e. high in fiber, lower carb, veggie rich, low sodium), meal types, budget friendly recipes, and cuisine.


Diabetes and Dietary Supplements

From the National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health, this page covers what science says about the effectiveness and safety of dietary supplements for preventing or treating type 2 diabetes or its complications.


StatPearls: Diabetes

Calling healthcare professionals! StatPearls has a diabetes page for you that outlines the pathophysiology, evaluation, and management of diabetes mellitus. Learn about diabetes etiology, epidemiology, taking a history and physical, treatment/management, differential diagnosis, pertinent studies, ongoing clinical trials, managing adverse effects, patient education, enhancing healthcare team outcomes, clinical pearls, and more. It includes free multiple choice questions to test your knowledge.

Image of the author ABOUT Nora Barnett
Nora Barnett is the Health Professions Outreach Specialist at Network of the National Library of Medicine, Region 6. She helps unaffiliated health professionals, public health departments, and community based organizations increase organizational health literacy and meet the health information needs of their communities.

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This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Grant Number 1UG4LM012346 with The University of Iowa.

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